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Goles, E., Lobos, F., Montealegre, P., Ruivo, E. L. P., & de Oliveira, P. P. B. (2020). Computational Complexity of the Stability Problem for Elementary Cellular Automata. J. Cell. Autom., 15(4), 261–304.
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Lobos, F., Goles, E., Ruivo, E. L. P., de Oliveira, P. P. B., & Montealegre, P. (2018). Mining a Class of Decision Problems for One-dimensional Cellular Automata. J. Cell. Autom., 13(5-6), 393–405.
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Montalva-Medel, M., de Oliveira, P. P. B., & Goles, E. (2018). A portfolio of classification problems by one-dimensional cellular automata, over cyclic binary configurations and parallel update. Nat. Comput., 17(3), 663–671.
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