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Crutchik, D., Rodriguez-Valdecantos, G., Bustos, G., Bravo, J., Gonzalez, B., & Pabon-Pereira, C. (2020). Vermiproductivity, maturation and microbiological changes derived from the use of liquid anaerobic digestate during the vermicomposting of market waste. Water Sci. Technol., 82(9), 1781–1794.
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Crutchik, D., Rodriguez-Valdecantos, G., Bustos, G., Bravo, J., Gonzalez, B., & Pabon-Pereira, C. (2020). WATER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. Water Sci. Technol., 82(9), 1781–1794.
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Pabon-Pereira, C. P., de Vries, J. W., Slingerland, M. A., Zeeman, G., & van Lier, J. B. (2014). Impact of crop-manure ratios on energy production and fertilizing characteristics of liquid and solid digestate during codigestion. Environ. Technol., 35(19), 2427–2434.
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