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Diaz-Rullo, J., Rodriguez-Valdecantos, G., Torres-Rojas, F., Cid, L., Vargas, I. T., Gonzalez, B., et al. (2021). Mining for Perchlorate Resistance Genes in Microorganisms From Sediments of a Hypersaline Pond in Atacama Desert, Chile. Front. Microbiol., 12, 723874.
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Plominsky, A. M., Henriquez-Castillo, C., Delherbe, N., Podell, S., Ramirez-Flandes, S., Ugalde, J. A., et al. (2018). Distinctive Archaeal Composition of an Artisanal Crystallizer Pond and Functional Insights Into Salt-Saturated Hypersaline Environment Adaptation. Front. Microbiol., 9, 13 pp.
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