Alvarez-Miranda, E., Pereira, J., Vargas, C., & Vila, M. (2022). Variable-depth local search heuristic for assembly line balancing problems. Int. J. Prod. Res., 61(9), 3103–3121.
Abstract: Assembly lines are production flow systems wherein activities are organised around a line consisting of various workstations through which the product flows. At each station, the product is assembled through a subset of operations. The assembly line balancing problem (ALBP) consists of allocating operations between stations to maximise the system efficiency. In this study, a variable-depth local search algorithm is proposed for solving simple assembly line balancing problems (SALBPs), which are the most widely studied versions of the ALBP. Although the state-of-the-art techniques for solving the SALBP consist of exact enumeration-based methods or heuristics, this paper proposes a local search-based heuristic using variable-length sequences that allow the solution space to be efficiently explored. The proposed algorithm improves the best solution known for multiple instances reported in the literature, indicating that its efficiency is comparable to those of the state-of-the-art method for solving the SALBP. Moreover, the characteristics of the instances for which the proposed procedure provides a better solution than previously reported construction procedures are investigated.
Averbakh, I., & Pereira, J. (2021). Tree optimization based heuristics and metaheuristics in network construction problems. Comput. Oper. Res., 128, 105190.
Abstract: We consider a recently introduced class of network construction problems where edges of a transportation network need to be constructed by a server (construction crew). The server has a constant construction speed which is much lower than its travel speed, so relocation times are negligible with respect to construction times. It is required to find a construction schedule that minimizes a non-decreasing function of the times when various connections of interest become operational. Most problems of this class are strongly NP-hard on general networks, but are often tree-efficient, that is, polynomially solvable on trees. We develop a generic local search heuristic approach and two metaheuristics (Iterated Local Search and Tabu Search) for solving tree-efficient network construction problems on general networks, and explore them computationally. Results of computational experiments indicate that the methods have excellent performance.
Ritt, M., & Pereira, J. (2020). Heuristic and exact algorithms for minimum-weight non-spanning arborescences. Eur. J. Oper. Res., 287(1), 61–75.
Abstract: We address the problem of finding an arborescence of minimum total edge weight rooted at a given vertex in a directed, edge-weighted graph. If the arborescence must span all vertices the problem is solvable in polynomial time, but the non-spanning version is NP-hard. We propose reduction rules which determine vertices that are required or can be excluded from optimal solutions, a modification of Edmonds algorithm to construct arborescences that span a given set of selected vertices, and embed this procedure into an iterated local search for good vertex selections. Moreover, we propose a cutset-based integer linear programming formulation, provide different linear relaxations to reduce the number of variables in the model and solve the reduced model using a branch-and-cut approach. We give extensive computational results showing that both the heuristic and the exact methods are effective and obtain better solutions on instances from the literature than existing approaches, often in much less time. (C) 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.