Asenjo, F. A., & Hojman, S. A. (2023). Time-domain supersymmetry for massless scalar and electromagnetic fields in anisotropic cosmologies. Phys. Scr., 98(10), 105302.
Abstract: It is shown that any cosmological anisotropic model produces supersymmetric theories for both massless scalar and electromagnetic (abelian) fields. This supersymmetric theory is the time-domain analogue of a supersymmetric quantum mechanics algebra theory. In this case, the variations of the anisotropic scale factors of the Universe are responsible for triggering the supersymmetry. For scalar fields, the superpartner fields evolve in two different cosmological scenarios (Universes). On the other hand, for propagating electromagnetic fields, supersymmetry is manifested through its polarization degrees of freedom in one Universe. In this case, polarization degrees of freedom of electromagnetic waves, which are orthogonal to its propagation direction, become superpartners from each other. This behavior can be measured, for example, through the rotation of the plane of polarization of cosmological light.
Mahajan, S. M., Asenjo, F. A., & Hazeltine, R. D. (2015). Comparison of the electron-spin force and radiation reaction force. Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 446(4), 4112–4115.
Abstract: It is shown that the forces that originate from the electron-spin interacting with the electromagnetic field can play, along with the Lorentz force, a fundamentally important role in determining the electron motion in a high energy density plasma embedded in strong high-frequency radiation, a situation that pertains to both laser-produced and astrophysical systems. These forces, for instance, dominate the standard radiation reaction force as long as there is a 'sufficiently' strong ambient magnetic field for affecting spin alignment. The inclusion of spin forces in any advanced modelling of electron dynamics pertaining to high energy density systems (for instance in particle-in-cell codes), therefore, is a must.