Canessa, E., Chaigneau, S.E, Moreno, S. (2023). Describing and understanding the time course of the Property Listing Task. Cogn. Process., Early Access.
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Chaigneau, S. E., Marchant, N., Canessa, E., & Aldunate, N. (2024). A mathematical model of semantic access in lexical and semantic decisions. Lang. Cogn., Early Access.
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El Aiss, H., Barbosa, K. A., & Peters, A. A. (2022). Nonlinear Time-Delay Observer-Based Control to Estimate Vehicle States: Lateral Vehicle Model. IEEE Access, 10, 110459–110472.
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Gutiérrez-Jara, J. P., Vogt-Geisse, K., Correa, M. C. G., Vilches-Ponce, K., Pérez, L. M., & Chowell, G. (2023). Alert Results Modeling the Impact of Agricultural Mitigation Measures on the Spread of Sharka Disease in Sweet Cherry Orchards 26 of 41 Modeling the Impact of Agricultural Mitigation Measures on the Spread of Sharka Disease in Sweet Cherry Orchards. Plants-Basel, 12(19), 3442.
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Marchant, N., Canessa, E., & Chaigneau, S. E. (2022). An adaptive linear filter model of procedural category learning. Cogn. Process., 23(3), 393–405.
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