Benitez, S., Duarte, C., Opitz, T., Lagos, N. A., Pulgar, J. M., Vargas, C. A., et al. (2017). Intertidal pool fish Girella laevifrons (Kyphosidae) shown strong physiological homeostasis but shy personality: The cost of living in hypercapnic habitats. Mar. Pollut. Bull., 118(1-2), 57–63.
Abstract: Tide pools habitats are naturally exposed to a high degree of environmental variability. The consequences of living in these extreme habitats are not well established. In particular, little it is known about of the effects of hypercanic seawater (i.e. high pCO(2) levels) on marine vertebrates such as intertidal pool fish. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of increased pCO(2) on the physiology and behavior in juveniles of the intertidal pool fish Girella laevifrons. Two nominal pCO(2) concentrations (400 and 1600 patm) were used. We found that exposure to hypercapnic conditions did not affect oxygen consumption and absorption efficiency. However, the lateralization and boldness behavior was significantly disrupted in high pCO(2) conditions. In general, a predator-risk cost of boldness is assumed, thus the increased occurrence of shy personality in juvenile fishes may result in a change in the balance of this biological interaction, with significant ecological consequences. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Jerez-Hanckes, C., Pettersson, I., & Rybalko, V. (2020). Derivation Of Cable Equation By Multiscale Analysis For A Model Of Myelinated Axons. Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst.-Ser. B, 25(3), 815–839.
Abstract: We derive a one-dimensional cable model for the electric potential propagation along an axon. Since the typical thickness of an axon is much smaller than its length, and the myelin sheath is distributed periodically along the neuron, we simplify the problem geometry to a thin cylinder with alternating myelinated and unmyelinated parts. Both the microstructure period and the cylinder thickness are assumed to be of order epsilon, a small positive parameter. Assuming a nonzero conductivity of the myelin sheath, we find a critical scaling with respect to epsilon which leads to the appearance of an additional potential in the homogenized nonlinear cable equation. This potential contains information about the geometry of the myelin sheath in the original three-dimensional model.
Martel, S. I., Fernandez, C., Lagos, N. A., Labra, F. A., Duarte, C., Vivanco, J. F., et al. (2022). Acidification and high-temperature impacts on energetics and shell production of the edible clam Ameghinomya antiqua. Front. Mar. Sci., 9, 972135.
Abstract: Warming and ocean acidification are currently critical global change drivers for marine ecosystems due to their complex and irreversible effects on the ecology and evolution of marine communities. Changes in the chemistry and the temperature of the ocean impact the biological performance of marine resources by affecting their energy budget and thus imposing energetic restrictions and trade-offs on their survival, growth, and reproduction. In this study, we evaluated the interplaying effects of increased pCO(2) levels and temperature on the economically relevant clam Ameghinomya antiqua, an infaunal bivalve inhabiting a wide distributional range along the coast of Chile. Juvenile clams collected from southern Chile were exposed to a 90-day experimental set-up emulating the current and a future scenario projeced to the end of the current century for both high pCO(2)/low-pH and temperature (10 and 15 degrees C) projected for the Chilean coast. Clams showed physiological plasticity to different projected environmental scenarios without mortality. In addition, our results showed that the specimens under low-pH conditions were not able to meet the energetic requirements when increased temperature imposed high maintenance costs, consequently showing metabolic depression. Indeed, although the calcification rate was negative in the high-pCO(2) scenario, it was the temperature that determined the amount of shell loss. These results indicate that the studied clam can face environmental changes for short-term periods modifying energetic allocation on maintenance and growth processes, but with possible long-term population costs, endangering the sustainability of an important benthic artisanal fisheries resource.
Ramajo, L., Fernandez, C., Nunez, Y., Caballero, P., Lardies, M. A., & Poupin, M. J. (2019). Physiological responses of juvenile Chilean scallops (Argopecten purpuratus) to isolated and combined environmental drivers of coastal upwelling. ICES J. Mar. Sci., 76(6), 1836–1849.
Abstract: Coastal biota is exposed to continuous environmental variability as a consequence of natural and anthropogenic processes. Responding to heterogeneous conditions requires the presence of physiological strategies to cope with the environment. Ecosystems influenced by upwelling endure naturally cold, acidic and hypoxic conditions, nevertheless they sustain major fisheries worldwide. This suggests that species inhabiting upwelling habitats possess physiological adaptations to handle high environmental variability. Here, we assessed the impact of the main upwelling drivers (temperature, pH and oxygen) in isolation and combined on eco-physiological responses of Chilean scallop Argopecten purpuratus. A. purpuratus responded to hypoxia by increasing their metabolic performance to maintain growth and calcification. Calcification was only affected by pH and increased under acidic conditions. Further, A. purpuratus juveniles prioritized calcification at the expense of growth under upwelling conditions. Increasing temperature had a significant impact by enhancing the physiological performance of A. purpuratus juveniles independently of oxygen and pH conditions, but this was associated with earlier and higher mortalities. Our results suggest that A. purpuratus is acclimated to short-term colder, acidic and hypoxic conditions, and provide important information of how this species responds to the heterogeneous environment of upwelling, which is significantly relevant in the climatic context of upwelling intensification.