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Addison, B. C., Wright, D. J., Nicholson, B. A., Cale, B., Mocnik, T., Huber, D., et al. (2021). TOI-257b (HD 19916b): a warm sub-saturn orbiting an evolved F-type star. Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 502(3), 3704–3722.
Abstract: We report the discovery of a warm sub-Saturn, TOI-257b (HD 19916b), based on data from NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS). The transit signal was detected by TESS and confirmed to be of planetary origin based on radial velocity observations. An analysis of the TESS photometry, the MINERVA-Australis, FEROS, and HARPS radial velocities, and the asteroseismic data of the stellar oscillations reveals that TOI-257b has a mass of M-P = 0.138 +/- 0.023M(J) (43.9 +/- 7.3 M-circle plus), a radius of R-P = 0.639 +/- 0.013 R-J (7.16 +/- 0.15 R-circle plus), bulk density of 0.65(-0.11)(+0.12) (cgs), and period 18.38818(-0.00084)(+0.00085) days. TOI-257b orbits a bright (V = 7.612 mag) somewhat evolved late F-type star with M-* = 1.390 +/- 0.046(Msun), R-* = 1.888 +/- 0.033 R-sun, T-eff = 6075 +/- 90 K, and vsin i = 11.3 +/- 0.5 kms(-1). Additionally, we find hints for a second non-transiting sub-Saturn mass planet on a similar to 71 day orbit using the radial velocity data. This system joins the ranks of a small number of exoplanet host stars (similar to 100) that have been characterized with asteroseismology. Warm sub-Saturns are rare in the known sample of exoplanets, and thus the discovery of TOI-257b is important in the context of future work studying the formation and migration history of similar planetary systems.
Alves, P. N., Melo, I. C., Santos, R. D., da Rocha, F. V., & Caixeta, J. V. (2022). How did COVID-19 affect green-fuel supply chain? – A performance analysis of Brazilian ethanol sector. Res. Transp. Econ., 93, 101137.
Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic affected many supply chains worldwide, including the Brazilian green-fuel ethanol supply chain. Our analysis considered sustainability variables (social, environmental, and economic) to investigate the pandemic's effects on the ethanol industries of 15 ethanol producing Brazilian states, comparing data from 2020 to 2019 and applying a novel Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA): the Double Frontier Slack-Based Measure Malmquist Productivity Index (DF-SBM MPI). The findings show that all states suffered negative impacts from the pandemic and some incurred a risk of collapsing it. The least negatively impacted states were Sao Paulo and Mato Grosso. Sao Paulo's ethanol sector is a benchmark for income derived from trade in carbon-credits by RenovaBio certified mills, while Mato Grosso's sector is able to take advantage of the largest spread between ethanol and gasoline prices, certainly a competitive advantage for ethanol producers. We recommend the implementation of public policies to support, mainly, the most affected states by assisting their mills to become environmentally certified participants to take advantage of income opportunities available in the carbon-credit trading market. We recommend, among other actions, a temporary ethanol sales tax reduction, an extension of debt repayment schedules, and stimulating an increase in the fleet of flex-fuel vehicles.
Astudillo-Defru, N., Cloutier, R., Wang, S. X., Teske, J., Brahm, R., Hellier, C., et al. (2020). A hot terrestrial planet orbiting the bright M dwarf L 168-9 unveiled by TESS. Astron. Astrophys., 636, 13 pp.
Abstract: We report the detection of a transiting super-Earth-sized planet (R = 1.39 +/- 0.09 R-circle plus) in a 1.4-day orbit around L 168-9 (TOI-134), a bright M1V dwarf (V = 11, K = 7.1) located at 25.15 +/- 0.02 pc. The host star was observed in the first sector of the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) mission. For confirmation and planet mass measurement purposes, this was followed up with ground-based photometry, seeing-limited and high-resolution imaging, and precise radial velocity (PRV) observations using the HARPS and Magellan/PFS spectrographs. By combining the TESS data and PRV observations, we find the mass of L 168-9 b to be 4.60 +/- 0.56 M-circle plus and thus the bulk density to be 1.74(-0.33)(+0.44) times higher than that of the Earth. The orbital eccentricity is smaller than 0.21 (95% confidence). This planet is a level one candidate for the TESS mission's scientific objective of measuring the masses of 50 small planets, and it is one of the most observationally accessible terrestrial planets for future atmospheric characterization.
Balbontin, C., Hensher, D. A., & Beck, M. J. (2022). Advanced modelling of commuter choice model and work from home during COVID-19 restrictions in Australia. Transp. Res. E-Logist. Transp. Rev., 162, 102718.
Abstract: The decision to work from home (WFH) or to commute during COVID-19 is having a major structural impact on individuals' travel, work and lifestyle. There are many possible factors influencing this non-marginal change, some of which are captured by objective variables while others are best represented by a number of underlying latent traits captured by attitudes towards WFH and the use of specific modes of transport for the commute that have a bio-security risk such as public transport (PT). We develop and implement a hybrid choice model to investigate the sources of influence, accounting for the endogenous nature of latent soft variables for workers in metropolitan areas in New South Wales and Queensland. The data was collected between September-October 2020, during a period of no lockdown and relatively minor restrictions on workplaces and public gatherings. The results show that one of the most important attributes defining the WFH loving attitude is the workplace policy towards WFH, with workers that can decide where to work having a higher probability of WFH, followed by those that are being directed to, relative to other workplace policies. The bio-security concern with using shared modes such as public transport is a key driver of WFH and choosing to commute via the safer environment of the private car.
Keywords: Working from home; Hybrid choice model; Commuting activity; COVID-19
Bugedo, G., Tobar, E., Alegria, L., Oviedo, V., Arellano, D., Basoalto, R., et al. (2023). Development of mechanical ventilators in Chile. Chronicle of the initiative "Un Respiro para Chile. Rev. Med. Chile, 150(7), 958–965.
Abstract: At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic in Chile, in March 2020, a projection indicated that a significant group of patients with pneumonia would require admission to an Intensive Care Unit and connection to a mechanical ventilator. Therefore, a paucity of these devices and other supplies was predicted. The initiative “Un respiro para Chile” brought together many people and institutions, public and private. In the course of three months, it allowed the design and building of several ventilatory assistance devices, which could be used in critically ill patients.
Keywords: COVID-19; Critical Care; Respiration; Artificial; Ventilators; Mechanical
Cabrera, M., Cordova-Lepe, F., Gutierrez-Jara, J. P. -, & Vogt-Geisse, K. (2021). An SIR-type epidemiological model that integrates social distancing as a dynamic law based on point prevalence and socio-behavioral factors. Sci. Rep., 11(1), 10170.
Abstract: Modeling human behavior within mathematical models of infectious diseases is a key component to understand and control disease spread. We present a mathematical compartmental model of Susceptible-Infectious-Removed to compare the infected curves given by four different functional forms describing the transmission rate. These depend on the distance that individuals keep on average to others in their daily lives. We assume that this distance varies according to the balance between two opposite thrives: the self-protecting reaction of individuals upon the presence of disease to increase social distancing and their necessity to return to a culturally dependent natural social distance that occurs in the absence of disease. We present simulations to compare results for different society types on point prevalence, the peak size of a first epidemic outbreak and the time of occurrence of that peak, for four different transmission rate functional forms and parameters of interest related to distancing behavior, such as: the reaction velocity of a society to change social distance during an epidemic. We observe the vulnerability to disease spread of close contact societies, and also show that certain social distancing behavior may provoke a small peak of a first epidemic outbreak, but at the expense of it occurring early after the epidemic onset, observing differences in this regard between society types. We also discuss the appearance of temporal oscillations of the four different transmission rates, their differences, and how this oscillatory behavior is impacted through social distancing; breaking the unimodality of the actives-curve produced by the classical SIR-model.
Cano-Martinez, M. J., Carrasco, M., Sandoval, J., & Gonzalez-Martin, C. (2022). Quantitative Analysis of Visual Representation of Sign Elements in COVID-19 Context. Empir. Stud. Arts, 41(1), 31–51.
Abstract: Visual representation as a means of communication uses elements to build a narrative. We propose using computer analysis to perform a quantitative analysis of the elements used in the visual creations that have been produced in reference to the epidemic, using 927 images compiled from The Covid Art Museum's Instagram account. This process has been carried out with techniques based on deep learning to detect objects contained in each study image. The research reveals the elements that are repeated in images to create narratives and the relations of association that are established in the sample. The predominant discourses in the sample do not show concern for the effects of illness. On the contrary, the impact and effects of confinement, through the prominent presence of elements such as human figures, windows, and buildings, are the most expressed experiences in the creations analyzed.
Cardenas, C., Guzman, F., Carmona, M., Munoz, C., Nilo, L., Labra, A., et al. (2020). Synthetic Peptides as a Promising Alternative to Control Viral Infections in Atlantic Salmon. Pathogens, 9(8), 600.
Abstract: Viral infections in salmonids represent an ongoing challenge for the aquaculture industry. Two RNA viruses, the infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV) and the infectious salmon anemia virus (ISAV), have become a latent risk without healing therapies available for either. In this context, antiviral peptides emerge as effective and relatively safe therapeutic molecules. Based on in silico analysis of VP2 protein from IPNV and the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase from ISAV, a set of peptides was designed and were chemically synthesized to block selected key events in their corresponding infectivity processes. The peptides were tested in fish cell lines in vitro, and four were selected for decreasing the viral load: peptide GIM182 for IPNV, and peptides GIM535, GIM538 and GIM539 for ISAV. In vivo tests with the IPNV GIM 182 peptide were carried out using Salmo salar fish, showing a significant decrease of viral load, and proving the safety of the peptide for fish. The results indicate that the use of peptides as antiviral agents in disease control might be a viable alternative to explore in aquaculture.`
Keywords: interfering peptides; viral treatment; RNA fish virusesViral infections in salmonids represent an ongoing challenge for the aquaculture industry. Two RNA viruses, the infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV) and the infectious salmon anemia virus (ISAV), have become a latent risk without healing therapies available for either. In this context, antiviral peptides emerge as effective and relatively safe therapeutic molecules. Based on in silico analysis of VP2 protein from IPNV and the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase from ISAV, a set of peptides was designed and were chemically synthesized to block selected key events in their corresponding infectivity processes. The peptides were tested in fish cell lines in vitro, and four were selected for decreasing the viral load: peptide GIM182 for IPNV, and peptides GIM535, GIM538 and GIM539 for ISAV. In vivo tests with the IPNV GIM 182 peptide were carried out using Salmo salar fish, showing a significant decrease of viral load, and proving the safety of the peptide for fish. The results indicate that the use of peptides as antiviral agents in disease control might be a viable alternative to explore in aquaculture.
Cordero, R., Mascareno, A., Henriquez, P. A., & Ruz, G. A. (2022). Drawing constitutional boundaries: A digital historical analysis of the writing process of Pinochet's 1980 authoritarian constitution. Hist. Methods, 55(3), 145–167.
Abstract: Drawing conceptual boundaries is one of the defining features of constitution-making processes. These historically situated operations of boundary making are central to the definition of what counts as “constitutional” in a political community. In this article, we study the operations of conceptual delimitation performed by the Constitutional Commission (1973-1978) that drafted the 1980 Chilean Constitution, the trademark of Augusto Pinochet's dictatorship. Using the eleven volumes of the Commission's Official Records as our textual material (10,915 pages and 80,005 distinct words), we apply vector semantics, spectral clustering and bigram graph-based analysis to explore conceptual boundaries and the behavior of specific keywords shaping the space of constitutional meanings. Our results identify the ways in which the Commission defines the normative horizon of the new social and political order by transforming old semantic references into a renewed conceptual framework. This analysis shows the immanent relations between political action and conceptual elaboration that underlie the creation of constitutional texts, as well as the potential of computational methods for the study of constitutional history and constitution-making processes.
de Fazio, R., Giannoccaro, N. I., Carrasco, M., Velazquez, R., & Visconti, P. (2021). Wearable devices and IoT applications for symptom detection, infection tracking, and diffusion containment of the COVID-19 pandemic: a survey. Front. Inf. Technol. Electron. Eng., 22(11), 1413–1442.
Abstract: Until a safe and effective vaccine to fight the SARS-CoV-2 virus is developed and available for the global population, preventive measures, such as wearable tracking and monitoring systems supported by Internet of Things (IoT) infrastructures, are valuable tools for containing the pandemic. In this review paper we analyze innovative wearable systems for limiting the virus spread, early detection of the first symptoms of the coronavirus disease COVID-19 infection, and remote monitoring of the health conditions of infected patients during the quarantine. The attention is focused on systems allowing quick user screening through ready-to-use hardware and software components. Such sensor-based systems monitor the principal vital signs, detect symptoms related to COVID-19 early, and alert patients and medical staff. Novel wearable devices for complying with social distancing rules and limiting interpersonal contagion (such as smart masks) are investigated and analyzed. In addition, an overview of implantable devices for monitoring the effects of COVID-19 on the cardiovascular system is presented. Then we report an overview of tracing strategies and technologies for containing the COVID-19 pandemic based on IoT technologies, wearable devices, and cloud computing. In detail, we demonstrate the potential of radio frequency based signal technology, including Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), Wi-Fi, and radio frequency identification (RFID), often combined with Apps and cloud technology. Finally, critical analysis and comparisons of the different discussed solutions are presented, highlighting their potential and providing new insights for developing innovative tools for facing future pandemics.
de la Cruz, R., Meza, C., Narria, N., & Fuentes, C. (2022). A Bayesian Change Point Analysis of the USD/CLP Series in Chile from 2018 to 2020: Understanding the Impact of Social Protests and the COVID-19 Pandemic. Mathematics, 10(18), 3380.
Abstract: Exchange rates are determined by factors such as interest rates, political stability, confidence, the current account on balance of payments, government intervention, economic growth and relative inflation rates, among other variables. In October 2019, an increased climate of citizen discontent with current social policies resulted in a series of massive protests that ignited important political changes in Chile. This event along with the global COVID-19 pandemic were two major factors that affected the value of the US dollar and produced sudden changes in the typically stable USD/CLP (Chilean Peso) exchange rate. In this paper, we use a Bayesian approach to detect and locate change points in the currency exchange rate process in order to identify and relate these points with the important dates related to the events described above. The implemented method can successfully detect the onset of the social protests, the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic in Chile and the economic reactivation in the US and Europe. In addition, we evaluate the performance of the proposed MCMC algorithms using a simulation study implemented in Python and R.
Gonzalez-Martin, C., Carrasco, M., & Oviedo, G. (2022). Analysis of the Use of Color and Its Emotional Relationship in Visual Creations Based on Experiences during the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Sustainability, 14(20), 12989.
Abstract: Color is a complex communicative element. At the level of artistic creation, this component influences both formal aspects and symbolic weight, directly affecting the construction of the message, and its associated emotion. During the COVID-19 pandemic, people generated countless images transmitting the subjective experiences of this event, and the social network Instagram was used to share this visual material. Using the repository of images created in the Instagram account CAM (The COVID Art Museum), we propose a methodology to understand the use of color and its emotional relationship in this context. The proposed methodology consists of creating a model that learns to recognize emotions via a convolutional neural network using the ArtEmis database. This model will subsequently be applied to recognize emotions in the CAM dataset, also extracting color attributes and their harmonies. Once both processes are completed, we combine the results, generating an expanded discussion on the usage of color and emotion. The results indicate that warm colors and analog compositions prevail in the sample. The relationship between emotions and composition shows a trend in positive emotions, reinforced by the results of the emotional relationship analysis of color attributes (hue, saturation, and lighting).
Helminiak, K. G., Moharana, A., Pawar, T., Ukita, N., Sybilski, P., Espinoza, N., et al. (2021). Orbital and physical parameters of eclipsing binaries from the ASAS catalogue – XII. A sample of systems with K2 photometry. Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 508(4), 5687–5708.
Abstract: We present results of the analysis of light and radial velocity (RV) curves of eight detached eclipsing binaries observed by the All-Sky Automated Survey, which we have followed up with high-resolution spectroscopy, and were later observed by the Keplersatellite as part of the K2 mission. The RV measurements came from spectra obtained with OAO-188/HIDES, MPG-2.2m/FEROS, SMARTS 1.5m/CHIRON, Euler/CORALIE, ESO-3.6m/HARPS, and OHP-1.93/ELODIE instruments. The K2 time-series photometry was analysed with the JKTEBOP code, with out-of-eclipse modulations of different origin taken into account. Individual component spectra were retrieved with the fd3 code, and analysed with the code ISPEC in order to determine effective temperatures and metallicities. Absolute values of masses, radii, and other stellar parameters are calculated, as well as ages, found through isochrone fitting. For five systems, such analysis has been done for the first time. The presented sample consists of a variety of stars, from low-mass dwarfs, through G- and F-type main sequence objects, to evolved active sub-giants, one of which is found to be crossing the Hertzsprung gap. One target may contain a gamma Dor-type pulsator, two more are parts of higher-order multiples, and spectra of their tertiaries were also retrieved and used to constrain the properties of these systems.
Kossakowski, D., Espinoza, N., Brahm, R., Jordan, A., Henning, T., Rojas, F., et al. (2019). TOI-150b and TOI-163b: two transiting hot Jupiters, one eccentric and one inflated, revealed by TESS near and at the edge of the JWST CVZ. Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 490(1), 1094–1110.
Abstract: We present the discovery of TYC9191-519-1b (TOI-150b, TIC 271893367) and HD271181b (TOI-163b, TIC 179317684), two hot Jupiters initially detected using 30-min cadence Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) photometry from Sector 1 and thoroughly characterized through follow-up photometry (CHAT, Hazelwood, LCO/CTIO, El Sauce, TRAPPIST-S), high-resolution spectroscopy (FEROS, CORALIE), and speckle imaging (Gemini/DSSI), confirming the planetary nature of the two signals. A simultaneous joint fit of photometry and radial velocity using a new fitting package JULIET reveals that TOI-150b is a 1.254 +/- 0.016 R-J, massive (2.61(-0.12)(+0.19) M-J) hot Jupiter in a 5.857-d orbit, while TOI-163b is an inflated (R-P = 1.478(-0.029)(+0.022) R-J, M-P = 1.219 +/- 0.11 M-J) hot Jupiter on a P = 4.231-d orbit; both planets orbit F-type stars. A particularly interesting result is that TOI-150b shows an eccentric orbit (e = 0.262(-0.037)(+0.045)), which is quite uncommon among hot Jupiters. We estimate that this is consistent, however, with the circularization time-scale, which is slightly larger than the age of the system. These two hot Jupiters are both prime candidates for further characterization – in particular, both are excellent candidates for determining spin-orbit alignments via the Rossiter-McLaughlin (RM) effect and for characterizing atmospheric thermal structures using secondary eclipse observations considering they are both located closely to the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) Continuous Viewing Zone (CVZ).
McGruder, C. D., Lopez-Morales, M., Kirk, J., Rackham, B. V., May, E., Ahrer, E. M., et al. (2023). ACCESS, LRG-BEASTS, and MOPSS: Featureless Optical Transmission Spectra of WASP-25b and WASP-124b. Astron. J., 166(3), 120.
Abstract: We present new optical transmission spectra for two hot Jupiters: WASP-25b (M = 0.56 M ( J ); R = 1.23 R ( J ); P = 3.76 days) and WASP-124b (M = 0.58 M ( J ); R = 1.34 R ( J ); P = 3.37 days), with wavelength coverages of 4200-9100 & ANGS; and 4570-9940 & ANGS;, respectively. These spectra are from the ESO Faint Object Spectrograph and Camera (v.2) mounted on the New Technology Telescope and Inamori-Magellan Areal Camera & Spectrograph on Magellan Baade. No strong spectral features were found in either spectra, with the data probing 4 and 6 scale heights, respectively. Exoretrievals and PLATON retrievals favor stellar activity for WASP-25b, while the data for WASP-124b did not favor one model over another. For both planets the retrievals found a wide range in the depths where the atmosphere could be optically thick (& SIM;0.4 & mu;-0.2 bars for WASP-25b and 1.6 & mu;-32 bars for WASP-124b) and recovered a temperature that is consistent with the planets' equilibrium temperatures, but with wide uncertainties (up to & PLUSMN;430 K). For WASP-25b, the models also favor stellar spots that are & SIM;500-3000 K cooler than the surrounding photosphere. The fairly weak constraints on parameters are owing to the relatively low precision of the data, with an average precision of 840 and 1240 ppm per bin for WASP-25b and WASP-124b, respectively. However, some contribution might still be due to an inherent absence of absorption or scattering in the planets' upper atmospheres, possibly because of aerosols. We attempt to fit the strength of the sodium signals to the aerosol-metallicity trend proposed by McGruder et al., and find WASP-25b and WASP-124b are consistent with the prediction, though their uncertainties are too large to confidently confirm the trend.
Murphy, M. M., Beatty, T. G., Roman, M. T., Malsky, I., Wingate, A., Ochs, G., et al. (2023). A Lack of Variability between Repeated Spitzer Phase Curves of WASP-43b. Astron. J., 165(3), 107.
Abstract: Though the global atmospheres of hot Jupiters have been extensively studied using phase curve observations, the level of time variability in these data is not well constrained. To investigate possible time variability in a planetary phase curve, we observed two full-orbit phase curves of the hot Jupiter WASP-43b at 4.5 mu m using the Spitzer Space Telescope, and reanalyzed a previous 4.5 mu m phase curve from Stevenson et al. We find no significant time variability between these three phase curves, which span timescales of weeks to years. The three observations are best fit by a single phase curve with an eclipse depth of 3907 +/- 85 ppm, a dayside-integrated brightness temperature of 1479 +/- 13 K, a nightside integrated brightness temperature of 755 +/- 46 K, and an eastward-shifted peak of 10.degrees 4 +/- 1.degrees 8. To model our observations, we performed 3D general circulation model simulations of WASP-43b with simple cloud models of various vertical extents. In comparing these simulations to our observations, we find that WASP-43b likely has a cloudy nightside that transitions to a relatively cloud-free dayside. We estimate that any change in WASP-43b's vertical cloud thickness of more than three pressure scale heights is inconsistent with our observed upper limit on variation. These observations, therefore, indicate that WASP-43b's clouds are stable in their vertical and spatial extent over timescales up to several years. These results strongly suggest that atmospheric properties derived from previous, single Spitzer phase curve observations of hot Jupiters likely show us the equilibrium properties of these atmospheres.
Nielsen, L. D., Brahm, R., Bouchy, F., Espinoza, N., Turner, O., Rappaport, S., et al. (2020). Three short-period Jupiters from TESS: HIP 65Ab, TOI-157b, and TOI-169b. Astron. Astrophys., 639, 17 pp.
Abstract: We report the confirmation and mass determination of three hot Jupiters discovered by the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) mission: HIP 65Ab (TOI-129, TIC-201248411) is an ultra-short-period Jupiter orbiting a bright (V = 11.1 mag) K4-dwarf every 0.98 days. It is a massive 3.213 +/- 0.078 M-J planet in a grazing transit configuration with an impact parameter of b = 1.17(-0.08)(+0.10) b=1.17-0.08+0.10 . As a result the radius is poorly constrained, 2.03(-0.49)(+0.61)R(J) 2.03-0.49+0.61 RJ . The planet's distance to its host star is less than twice the separation at which it would be destroyed by Roche lobe overflow. It is expected to spiral into HIP 65A on a timescale ranging from 80 Myr to a few gigayears, assuming a reduced tidal dissipation quality factor of Q(s)(') = 10(7) – 10(9) Qs ' =107-109 . We performed a full phase-curve analysis of the TESS data and detected both illumination- and ellipsoidal variations as well as Doppler boosting. HIP 65A is part of a binary stellar system, with HIP 65B separated by 269 AU (3.95 arcsec on sky). TOI-157b (TIC 140691463) is a typical hot Jupiter with a mass of 1.18 +/- 0.13 M-J and a radius of 1.29 +/- 0.02 R-J. It has a period of 2.08 days, which corresponds to a separation of just 0.03 AU. This makes TOI-157 an interesting system, as the host star is an evolved G9 sub-giant star (V = 12.7). TOI-169b (TIC 183120439) is a bloated Jupiter orbiting a V = 12.4 G-type star. It has a mass of 0.79 +/- 0.06 M-J and a radius of 1.09(-0.05)(+0.08)R(J) 1.09-0.05+0.08<mml:msub>RJ . Despite having the longest orbital period (P = 2.26 days) of the three planets, TOI-169b receives the most irradiation and is situated on the edge of the Neptune desert. All three host stars are metal rich with [Fe / H] ranging from 0.18 to0.24.
Nowak, G., Palle, E., Gandolfi, D., Deeg, H. J., Hirano, T., Barragan, O., et al. (2020). K2-280 b – a low density warm sub-Saturn around a mildly evolved star. Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 497(4), 4423–4435.
Abstract: We present an independent discovery and detailed characterization of K2-280 b, a transiting low density warm sub-Saturn in a 19.9-d moderately eccentric orbit (e = 0.35(-0.04)(+0.05)) from K2 campaign 7. A joint analysis of high precision HARPS, HARPS-N, and FIES radial velocity measurements and K2 photometric data indicates that K2-280 b has a radius of R-b = 7.50 +/- 0.44 R-circle plus and a mass of M-b = 37.1 +/- 5.6 M-circle plus, yielding a mean density of rho(b) = 0.48(-0.10)(+0.13) g cm(-3). The host star is a mildly evolved G7 star with an effective temperature of T-eff = 5500 +/- 100 K, a surface gravity of log g(star) = 4.21 +/- 0.05 (cgs), and an iron abundance of [Fe/H] = 0.33 +/- 0.08 dex, and with an inferred mass of M-star = 1.03 +/- 0.03 M-circle dot and a radius of R-star = 1.28 +/- 0.07 R-circle dot. We discuss the importance of K2-280 b for testing formation scenarios of sub-Saturn planets and the current sample of this intriguing group of planets that are absent in the Solar system.
O'Ryan, R., Villavicencio, A., Gajardo, J., Ulloa, A., Ibarra, C., & Rojas, M. (2023). Building back better in Latin America: examining the sustainability of COVID-19 recovery and development programs. Glob. Sustain., 6.
Abstract: Non-technical summaryThe significant outlays by countries in the Global South to recover from the COVID-19 crisis could have been an opportunity to build back better, advancing both a green recovery and addressing pressing social problems, thus advancing sustainability. To examine if this was the case, in this paper we analyze the expected impacts of recovery initiatives in five Latin American countries. Our results show that these programs do not support the possibility of building back better, weakly impacting 12 dimensions related to sustainability. We also propose a methodology to improve how sustainability concerns can be included in future choice of projects. Technical summaryIt has been argued that the significant outlays by governments across the world required to recover from the COVID-19 crisis can be an opportunity to build back better, that is, advance toward greener societies. In the Global South, which suffered acute social, economic and environmental problems prior to this health crisis, recovery initiatives would be best suited to focus on sustainable economic recovery which – along with the environmental concerns of a green recovery – could address pressing local problems. To this end, we analyzed the expected impacts of recovery initiatives in five Latin American countries on each of 71 sustainability criteria. These criteria are based on the UN sustainable development goals and other relevant literature related to sustainable development. Using principal component analysis, criteria are grouped into 12 dimensions. Our results show that recovery programs examined do not take advantage of the possibility of building back better, and many relevant dimensions related to a sustainable recovery are only weakly considered. Our methodology provides a step forward toward supporting governments in their efforts to identify better policies and investment projects and consequently put together packages of initiatives that advance on sustainability, green recovery or other long-term goals they may have. Social media summaryMethodology to analyze COVID-19 recovery packages shows small impact on sustainability in five Latin American countries.
Rubilar, P., Hirmas, M., Matute, I., Browne, J., Little, C., Ruz, G. A., et al. (2022). Seroprevalence and estimation of the impact of SARS-CoV-2 infection in older adults residing in Long-term Care Facilities in Chile. Medwave, 22(3), 002553.
Abstract: Introduction
Older adults are at a higher risk of severe illness and death from COVID-19. This vulnerability increases in those who live in long-term care facilities due to overcrowding, greater physical dependence, and contact with health workers. Evidence on the impact of the pandemic on these establishments in low- and middle-income countries has been scant. This study aims to determine the seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 in older people residing in long-term care facilities and estimate the impact of infection after the first wave of the pandemic. Methods A cross-sectional design with 2099 residents in three regions of Chile was carried out between September and November 2020. Measurement of antibodies was performed with a rapid test. The impact of SARS-CoV-2 infection was estimated with seropositive residents, those who had a history of positive polymerase chain reaction tests, and those who died from COVID-19. Bivariate analysis with the region, sex, age, history of COVID-19, physical dependence, and serological results were performed. In addition, we performed a correlation analysis between the seroprevalence of the centers by the municipality and the rate of confirmed cases. Results The seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in the three regions was 14.7% (95% confidence interval: 13.2 to 16.3%), the infection impact was 46.4%, and the fatality rate was 19.6%. A significant correlation was found between the seroprevalence of older adults residing in long-term care facilities and the cumulative incidence by municipalities. Conclusions The seroprevalence of older adults residing in long-term care facilities was higher than the general population. The high impact of infection among this population at the end of the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic is similar to other countries. The centers' environment is directly related to COVID-19 infection. Morbidity and mortality monitoring systems should be implemented promptly to establish prevention and control measures. Keywords: COVID-19 Serological Testing; Long-Term Careaged; SARS-CoV-2