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Marchant, N., Canessa, E., & Chaigneau, S. E. (2022). An adaptive linear filter model of procedural category learning. Cogn. Process., 23(3), 393–405.
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Chaigneau, S. E., Canessa, E., Lenci, A., & Devereux, B. (2020). Eliciting semantic properties: methods and applications. Cogn. Process., 21(4), 583–586.
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Canessa, E., Chaigneau, S. E., Moreno, S., & Lagos, R. (2020). Informational content of cosine and other similarities calculated from high-dimensional Conceptual Property Norm data. Cogn. Process., 21, 601–614.
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Canessa, E., Chaigneau, S.E, Moreno, S. (2023). Describing and understanding the time course of the Property Listing Task. Cogn. Process., Early Access.
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