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Alvarez-Miranda, E., & Pereira, J. (2017). Designing and constructing networks under uncertainty in the construction stage: Definition and exact algorithmic approach. Comput. Oper. Res., 81, 178–191.
Abstract: The present work proposes a novel Network Optimization problem whose core is to combine both network design and network construction scheduling under uncertainty into a single two-stage robust optimization model. The first-stage decisions correspond to those of a classical network design problem, while the second-stage decisions correspond to those of a network construction scheduling problem (NCS) under uncertainty. The resulting problem, which we will refer to as the Two-Stage Robust Network Design and Construction Problem (2SRNDC), aims at providing a modeling framework in which the design decision not only depends on the design costs (e.g., distances) but also on the corresponding construction plan (e.g., time to provide service to costumers). We provide motivations, mixed integer programming formulations, and an exact algorithm for the 2SRNDC. Experimental results on a large set of instances show the effectiveness of the model in providing robust solutions, and the capability of the proposed algorithm to provide good solutions in reasonable running times. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Alvarez-Miranda, E., & Pereira, J. (2019). On the complexity of assembly line balancing problems. Comput. Oper. Res., 108, 182–186.
Abstract: Assembly line balancing is a family of combinatorial optimization problems that has been widely studied in the literature due to its simplicity and industrial applicability. Most line balancing problems are NP-hard as they subsume the bin packing problem as a special case. Nevertheless, it is common in the line balancing literature to cite [A. Gutjahr and G. Nemhauser, An algorithm for the line balancing problem, Management Science 11 (1964) 308-315] in order to assess the computational complexity of the problem. Such an assessment is not correct since the work of Gutjahr and Nemhauser predates the concept of NP-hardness. This work points at over 50 publications since 1995 with the aforesaid error. (C) 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Line balancing; Complexity; Bin packing
Alvarez-Miranda, E., Pereira, J., & Vila, M. (2023). Analysis of the simple assembly line balancing problem complexity. Comput. Oper. Res., 159, 106323.
Abstract: The simple assembly line balancing problem (SALBP) involves the determination of the assignment of elementary assembly operations to the workstations of the assembly line for the manufacture of a final product, with the objective of maximising assembly efficiency. In addition to its practicality, the SALBP can be considered as an extension of the bin packing problem (BPP) to account for the precedence relations between items. These constraints introduce an ordering component to the problem, which increases the complexity of SALBP resolution. However, previous studies indicated that precedence constraints do not play an important role in the capacity of state-of-the-art procedures to solve benchmark instances to optimality. In this study, we analysed the influences of different features of an SALBP instance on the performance of state-of-the-art solution methods for the abovementioned problem. First, we provide an alternative proof of complexity for the SALBP that uses precedence constraints to demonstrate its non-deterministic polynomial time (NP)-complete status, followed by a new set of benchmark instances directed towards an empirical analysis of the different features of SALBP instances. The experimental results revealed that the packing features of the SALBP are a major source of the perceived difficulty for any instance; however, precedence constraints play a role in the performance of these solution procedures. Specifically, the number of precedence constraints plays an important role in the results obtained from state-of-the-art methods. In addition to the analysis, certain issues that were identified in the publicly available implementations of the state-of-the-art method for resolving this problem were addressed in this study.
Averbakh, I., & Pereira, J. (2021). Tree optimization based heuristics and metaheuristics in network construction problems. Comput. Oper. Res., 128, 105190.
Abstract: We consider a recently introduced class of network construction problems where edges of a transportation network need to be constructed by a server (construction crew). The server has a constant construction speed which is much lower than its travel speed, so relocation times are negligible with respect to construction times. It is required to find a construction schedule that minimizes a non-decreasing function of the times when various connections of interest become operational. Most problems of this class are strongly NP-hard on general networks, but are often tree-efficient, that is, polynomially solvable on trees. We develop a generic local search heuristic approach and two metaheuristics (Iterated Local Search and Tabu Search) for solving tree-efficient network construction problems on general networks, and explore them computationally. Results of computational experiments indicate that the methods have excellent performance.
Keywords: Network design; Scheduling; Network construction; Heuristics; Metaheuristics; Local search
Lagos, F., Boland, N., & Savelsbergh, M. (2022). Dynamic discretization discovery for solving the Continuous Time Inventory Routing Problem with Out-and-Back Routes. Comput. Oper. Res., 141, 105686.
Abstract: In time dependent models, the objective is to find the optimal times (continuous) at which activities occur and resources are utilized. These models arise whenever a schedule of activities needs to be constructed. A common approach consists of discretizing the planning time and then restricting the decisions to those time points. However, this approach leads to very large formulations that are intractable in practice. In this work, we study the Continuous Time Inventory Routing Problem with Out-and-Back Routes (CIRP-OB). In this problem, a company manages the inventory of its customers, resupplying a single product from a single facility during a finite time horizon. The product is consumed at a constant rate (product per unit of time) by each customer. The customers have local storage capacity. The goal is to find the minimum cost delivery plan with out-and-back routes only that ensures that none of the customers run out of product during the planning period. We study the Dynamic Discovery Discretization algorithm (DDD) to solve the CIRP-OB by using partially constructed time-expanded networks. This method iteratively discovers time points needed in the network to find optimal continuous time solutions. We test this method by using randomly generated instances in which we find provable optimal solutions.
Lespay, H., & Suchan, K. (2022). Territory Design for the Multi-Period Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows. Comput. Oper. Res., 145, 105866.
Abstract: This study introduces the Territory Design for the Multi-Period Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows (TD-MPVRPTW) problem, motivated by a real-world application at a food company's distribution center. This problem deals with the design of contiguous and compact territories for delivery of orders from a depot to a set of customers, with time windows, over a multi-period planning horizon. Customers and their demands vary over time. The problem is modeled as a mixed-integer linear program (MILP) and solved by a proposed heuristic. The heuristic solutions are compared with the proposed MILP solutions on a set of small artificial instances and the food company's solutions on a set of real-world instances. Computational results show that the proposed algorithm can yield high-quality solutions within moderate running times. A methodology is proposed in which the territories computed by the proposed heuristic on the past demand of one month are used for the operational routing during the following month, in which the demand is known only one day in advance. An evaluation shows that the territories obtained with our methodology would have led to levels of service significantly better than the ones that were experienced by the company, using a significantly lower number of vehicles to execute the deliveries.
Pereira, J. (2016). The robust (minmax regret) single machine scheduling with interval processing times and total weighted completion time objective. Comput. Oper. Res., 66, 141–152.
Abstract: Single machine scheduling is a classical optimization problem that depicts multiple real life systems in which a single resource (the machine) represents the whole system or the bottleneck operation of the system. In this paper we consider the problem under a weighted completion time performance metric in which the processing time of the tasks to perform (the jobs) are uncertain, but can only take values from closed intervals. The objective is then to find a solution that minimizes the maximum absolute regret for any possible realization of the processing times. We present an exact branch-and-bound method to solve the problem, and conduct a computational experiment to ascertain the possibilities and limitations of the proposed method. The results show that the algorithm is able to optimally solve instances of moderate size (25-40 jobs depending on the characteristics of the instance). (c) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Scheduling; Single machine; Uncertainty; Robust optimization; Branch-and-bound
Pereira, J. (2018). The robust (minmax regret) assembly line worker assignment and balancing problem. Comput. Oper. Res., 93, 27–40.
Abstract: Line balancing aims to assign the assembly tasks to the stations that compose the assembly line. A recent body of literature has been devoted to heterogeneity in the assembly process introduced by different workers. In such an environment, task times depend on the worker performing the operation and the problem aims at assigning tasks and workers to stations in order to maximize the throughput of the line. In this work, we consider an interval data version of the assembly line worker assignment and balancing problem (ALWABP) in which it is assumed that lower and upper bounds for the task times are known, and the objective is to find an assignment of tasks and workers to the workstations such that the absolute maximum regret among all of the possible scenarios is minimized. The relationship with other interval data minmax regret (IDMR) problems is investigated, the inapplicability of previous approximation methods is studied, regret evaluation is considered, and exact and heuristic solution methods are proposed and analyzed. The results of the proposed methods are compared in a computational experiment, showing the applicability of the method and the theoretical results to solve the problem under study. Additionally, these results are not only applicable to the problem in hand, but also to a more general class of problems. (C) 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Production; Line balancing; Robust optimization; Minmax regret
Pereira, J., Ritt, M., & Vasquez, O. C. (2018). A memetic algorithm for the cost-oriented robotic assembly line balancing problem. Comput. Oper. Res., 99, 249–261.
Abstract: In order to minimize costs, manufacturing companies have been relying on assembly lines for the mass production of commodity goods. Among other issues, the successful operation of an assembly line requires balancing work among the stations of the line in order to maximize its efficiency, a problem known in the literature as the assembly line balancing problem, ALBP. In this work, we consider an ALBP in which task assignment and equipment decisions are jointly considered, a problem that has been denoted as the robotic ALBP. Moreover, we focus on the case in which equipment has different costs, leading to a cost-oriented formulation. In order to solve the problem, which we denote as the cost-oriented robotic assembly line balancing problem, cRALBP, a hybrid metaheuristic is proposed. The metaheuristic embeds results obtained for two special cases of the problem within a genetic algorithm in order to obtain a memetic algorithm, applicable to the general problem. An extensive computational experiment shows the advantages of the hybrid approach and how each of the components of the algorithm contributes to the overall ability of the method to obtain good solutions. (C) 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Rezakhah, M., Moreno, E., & Newman, A. (2020). Practical performance of an open pit mine scheduling model considering blending and stockpiling. Comput. Oper. Res., 115, 12 pp.
Abstract: Open pit mine production scheduling (OPMPS) is a decision problem which seeks to maximize net present value (NPV) by determining the extraction time of each block of ore and/or waste in a deposit and the destination to which this block is sent, e.g., a processing plant or waste dump. Spatial precedence constraints are imposed, as are resource capacities. Stockpiles can be used to maintain low-grade ore for future processing, to store extracted material until processing capacity is available, and/or to blend material based on single or multiple block characteristics (i.e., metal grade and/or contaminant). We adapt an existing integer-linear program to an operational polymetallic (gold and copper) open pit mine, in which the stockpile is used to blend materials based on multiple block characteristics, and call it ((P) over cap (la)). We observe that the linear programming relaxation of our objective function is unimodal for different grade combinations (metals and contaminants) in the stockpile, which allows us to search systematically for an optimal grade combination while exploiting the linear structure of our optimization model. We compare the schedule of ((P) over cap (la)) with that produced by (P-ns) which does not consider stockpiling, and with ((P) over tilde (la)), which controls only the metal content in the stockpile and ignores the contaminant level at the mill and in the stockpile. Our proposed solution technique provides schedules for large instances in a few seconds up to a few minutes with significantly different stockpiling and material flow strategies depending on the model. We show that our model improves the NPV of the project while satisfying operational constraints. (C) 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Wanke, P., Ewbank, H., Leiva, V., & Rojas, F. (2016). Inventory management for new products with triangularly distributed demand and lead-time. Comput. Oper. Res., 69, 97–108.
Abstract: This paper proposes a computational methodology to deal with the inventory management of new products by using the triangular distribution for both demand per unit time and lead-time. The distribution for demand during lead-time (or lead-time demand) corresponds to the sum of demands per unit time, which is difficult to obtain. We consider the triangular distribution because it is useful when a distribution is unknown due to data unavailability or problems to collect them. We provide an approach to estimate the probability density function of the unknown lead-time demand distribution and use it to establish the suitable inventory model for new products by optimizing the associated costs. We evaluate the performance of the proposed methodology with simulated and real-world demand data. This methodology may be a decision support tool for managers dealing with the measurement of demand uncertainty in new products. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.