Acena, A., Anabalon, A., & Astefanesei, D. (2013). Exact hairy black brane solutions in 5D anti-de Sitter space and holographic renormalization group flows. Phys. Rev. D, 87(12), 6 pp.
Abstract: We construct a general class of exact regular black hole solutions with toroidal horizon topology in five-dimensional anti-de Sitter gravity with a self-interacting scalar field. With these boundary conditions and due to the nontrivial backreaction of the scalar field, the no-hair theorems can be evaded so that an event horizon can be formed. The scalar field is regular everywhere outside the curvature singularity and it vanishes at the boundary where the potential is finite. We study the properties of these black holes in the context ofAdS/CFT duality and comment on the dual operators, which saturate the unitarity bound. We present exact expressions for the beta function and construct a c-function that characterizes the renormalization-group flow.
Anabalon, A., & Batista, C. (2016). A class of integrable metrics. Phys. Rev. D, 93(6), 13 pp.
Abstract: In four dimensions, the most general metric admitting two commuting Killing vectors and a rank-two Killing tensor can be parametrized by ten arbitrary functions of a single variable. We show that picking a special vierbein, reducing the system to eight functions, implies the existence of two geodesic and share-free, null congruences, generated by two principal null directions of the Weyl tensor. Thus, if the spacetime is an Einstein manifold, the Goldberg-Sachs theorem implies it is Petrov type D, and by explicit construction, is in the Carter class. Hence, our analysis provides a straightforward connection between the most general integrable structure and the Carter family of spacetimes.
Anabalon, A., & Cisterna, A. (2012). Asymptotically (anti-) de Sitter black holes and wormholes with a self-interacting scalar field in four dimensions. Phys. Rev. D, 85(8), 6 pp.
Abstract: The aim of this paper is to report on the existence of a wide variety of exact solutions, ranging from black holes to wormholes, when a conformally coupled scalar field with a self-interacting potential containing a linear, a cubic and a quartic self interaction is taken as a source of the energy-momentum tensor, in the Einstein theory with a cosmological constant. Among all the solutions there are two particularly interesting. On the one hand, the spherically symmetric black holes when the cosmological constant is positive; they are shown to be everywhere regular, namely, there is no singularity neither inside nor outside the event horizon. On the other hand, there are spherically symmetric and topological wormholes that connect two asymptotically (anti) de Sitter regions with a different value for the cosmological constant. The regular black holes and the wormholes are supported by everywhere regular scalar field configurations.
Anabalon, A., & Deruelle, N. (2013). Mechanical stability of asymptotically flat black holes with minimally coupled scalar hair. Phys. Rev. D, 88(6), 9 pp.
Abstract: We show that the asymptotically flat hairy black holes, solutions of the Einstein field equations minimally coupled to a scalar field, previously discovered by one of us, present mode instability against linear radial perturbations. It is also shown that the number of unstable modes is finite and their frequencies can be made arbitrarily small.
Anabalon, A., & Oliva, J. (2012). Exact hairy black holes and their modification to the universal law of gravitation. Phys. Rev. D, 86(10), 5 pp.
Abstract: In this paper two things are done. First, it is pointed out the existence of exact asymptotically flat, spherically symmetric black holes when a self-interacting, minimally coupled scalar field is the source of the Einstein equations in four dimensions. The scalar field potential is recently found to be compatible with the hairy generalization of the Plebanski-Demianski solution of general relativity. This paper describes the spherically symmetric solutions that smoothly connect the Schwarzschild black hole with its hairy counterpart. The geometry and scalar field are everywhere regular except at the usual Schwarzschild-like singularity inside the black hole. The scalar field energy momentum tensor satisfies the null-energy condition in the static region of spacetime. The first law holds when the parameters of the scalar field potential are fixed under thermodynamical variation. Second, it is shown that an extra, dimensionless parameter, present in the hairy solution, allows to modify the gravitational field of a spherically symmetric black hole in a remarkable way. When the dimensionless parameter is increased, the scalar field generates a flat gravitational potential that, however, asymptotically matches the Schwarzschild gravitational field. Finally, it is shown that a positive cosmological constant can render the scalar field potential convex if the parameters are within a specific rank.
Anabalon, A., Astefanesei, D., & Martinez, C. (2015). Mass of asymptotically anti-de Sitter hairy spacetimes. Phys. Rev. D, 91(4), 6 pp.
Abstract: In the standard asymptotic expansion of four-dimensional static asymptotically flat spacetimes, the coefficient of the first subleading term of the lapse function can be identified with the mass of the spacetime. Using the Hamiltonian formalism we show that, in asymptotically locally anti-de Sitter spacetimes endowed with a scalar field, the mass can read off in the same way only when the boundary conditions are compatible with the asymptotic realization of the anti-de Sitter symmetry. Since the mass is determined only by the spatial metric and the scalar field, the above effect appears by considering not only the constraints, but also the dynamic field equations, which relate the spatial metric with the lapse function. In particular, this result implies that some prescriptions for computing the mass of a hairy spacetime are not suitable when the scalar field breaks the asymptotic anti-de Sitter invariance.
Anabalon, A., Bicak, J., & Saavedra, J. (2014). Hairy black holes: Stability under odd-parity perturbations and existence of slowly rotating solutions. Phys. Rev. D, 90(12), 6 pp.
Abstract: We show that, independently of the scalar field potential and of specific asymptotic properties of the spacetime (asymptotically flat, de Sitter or anti-de Sitter), any static, spherically symmetric or planar, black hole solution of the Einstein theory minimally coupled to a real scalar field with a general potential is mode stable under linear odd-parity perturbations. To this end, we generalize the Regge-Wheeler equation for a generic self-interacting scalar field, and show that the potential of the relevant Schrodinger operator can be mapped, by the so-called S-deformation, to a semipositively defined potential. With these results at hand we study the existence of slowly rotating configurations. The frame dragging effect is compared with the corresponding effect in the case of a Kerr black hole.
Anabalon, A., Canfora, F., Giacomini, A., & Oliva, J. (2011). Black holes with gravitational hair in higher dimensions. Phys. Rev. D, 84(8), 10 pp.
Abstract: A new class of vacuum black holes for the most general gravity theory leading to second order field equations in the metric in even dimensions is presented. These space-times are locally anti-de Sitter in the asymptotic region, and are characterized by a continuous parameter that does not enter in the conserve charges, nor it can be reabsorbed by a coordinate transformation: it is therefore a purely gravitational hair. The black holes are constructed as a warped product of a two-dimensional space-time, which resembles the r-t plane of the Banados-Teitelboim-Zanelli black hole, times a warp factor multiplying the metric of a D – 2-dimensional Euclidean base manifold, which is restricted by a scalar equation. It is shown that all the Noether charges vanish. Furthermore, this is consistent with the Euclidean action approach: even though the black hole has a finite temperature, both the entropy and the mass vanish. Interesting examples of base manifolds are given in eight dimensions which are products of Thurston geometries, giving then a nontrivial topology to the black hole horizon. The possibility of introducing a torsional hair for these solutions is also discussed.
Anabalon, A., Canfora, F., Giacomini, A., & Oliva, J. (2011). Gribov ambiguity in asymptotically AdS three-dimensional gravity. Phys. Rev. D, 83(6), 7 pp.
Abstract: In this paper the zero modes of the de Donder gauge Faddeev-Popov operator for three-dimensional gravity with negative cosmological constant are analyzed. It is found that the AdS(3) vacuum produces (infinitely many) normalizable smooth zero modes of the Faddeev-Popov operator. On the other hand, it is found that the Banados-Teitelboim-Zanelli black hole (including the zero mass black hole) does not generate zero modes. This differs from the usual Gribov problem in QCD where, close to the maximally symmetric vacuum, the Faddeev-Popov determinant is positive definite while "far enough'' from the vacuum it can vanish. This suggests that the zero mass Banados-Teitelboim-Zanelli black hole could be a suitable ground state of three-dimensional gravity with negative cosmological constant. Because of the kinematic origin of this result, it also applies for other covariant gravity theories in three dimensions with AdS(3) as maximally symmetric solution, such as new massive gravity and topologically massive gravity. The relevance of these results for supersymmetry breaking is pointed out.
Anabalon, A., Cisterna, A., & Oliva, J. (2014). Asymptotically locally AdS and flat black holes in Horndeski theory. Phys. Rev. D, 89(8), 9 pp.
Abstract: In this paper we construct asymptotically locally AdS and flat black holes in the presence of a scalar field whose kinetic term is constructed out from a linear combination of the metric and the Einstein tensor. The field equations as well as the energy-momentum tensor are second order in the metric and the field, therefore the theory belongs to the ones defined by Horndeski. We show that in the presence of a cosmological term in the action, it is possible to have a real scalar field in the region outside the event horizon. The solutions are characterized by a single integration constant, the scalar field vanishes at the horizon and it contributes to the effective cosmological constant at infinity. We extend these results to the topological case. The solution is disconnected from the maximally symmetric AdS background, however, within this family there exists a gravitational soliton which is everywhere regular. This soliton is therefore used as a background to define a finite Euclidean action and to obtain the thermodynamics of the black holes. For a certain region in the space of parameters, the thermodynamic analysis reveals a critical temperature at which a Hawking-Page phase transition between the black hole and the soliton occurs. We extend the solution to arbitrary dimensions greater than 4 and show that the presence of a cosmological term in the action allows one to consider the case in which the standard kinetic term for the scalar it is not present. In such a scenario, the solution reduces to an asymptotically flat black hole.
Aros, R., & Contreras, M. (2006). Torsion induces gravity. Phys. Rev. D, 73(8), 4 pp.
Abstract: In this work the Poincare-Chern-Simons and anti-de Sitter-Chern-Simons gravities are studied. For both, a solution that can be cast as a black hole with manifest torsion is found. Those solutions resemble Schwarzschild and Schwarzschild-AdS solutions, respectively.
Asenjo, F. A., & Comisso, L. (2017). Magnetic connections in curved spacetime. Phys. Rev. D, 96(12), 7 pp.
Abstract: The ideal magnetohydrodynamic theorem on the conservation of the magnetic connections between plasma elements is generalized to relativistic plasmas in curved spacetime. The connections between plasma elements, which are established by a covariant connection equation, display a particularly complex structure in curved spacetime. Nevertheless, it is shown that these connections can be interpreted in terms of magnetic field lines alone by adopting a 3 + 1 foliation of spacetime.
Asenjo, F. A., & Comisso, L. (2019). Gravitational electromotive force in magnetic reconnection around Schwarzschild black holes. Phys. Rev. D, 99(6), 7 pp.
Abstract: We analytically explore the effects of the gravitational electromotive force on magnetic reconnection around Schwarzschild black holes through a generalized general-relativistic magnetohydrodynamic model that retains two-fluid effects. It is shown that the gravitational electromotive force can couple to collisionless two-fluid effects and drive magnetic reconnection. This is allowed by the departure from quasineutrality in curved spacetime, which is explicitly manifested as the emergence of an effective resistivity in Ohm's law. The departure from quasineutrality is owed to different gravitational pulls experienced by separate parts of the current layer. This produces an enhancement of the reconnecion rate due to purely gravitational effects.
Asenjo, F. A., & Hojman, S. A. (2017). Birefringent light propagation on anisotropic cosmological backgrounds. Phys. Rev. D, 96(4), 12 pp.
Abstract: Exact electromagnetic wave solutions to Maxwell equations on anisotropic Bianchi I cosmological spacetime backgrounds are studied. The waves evolving on Bianchi I spacetimes exhibit birefringence (associated with linear polarization) and dispersion. The particular case of a vacuum-dominated anisotropic Universe, which reproduces a Friedmann-Robertson-Walker Universe (for late times)-while, for earlier times, it matches a Kasner Universe-is studied. The electromagnetic waves do not, in general, follow null geodesics. This produces a modification of the cosmological redshift, which is then dependent on light polarization, its dispersion, and its non-null geodesic behavior. New results presented here may help to tackle some issues related to the “horizon” problem.
Asenjo, F. A., & Mahajan, S. M. (2020). Resonant interaction between dispersive gravitational waves and scalar massive particles. Phys. Rev. D, 101(6), 4 pp.
Abstract: The Klein-Gordon equation is solved in the curved background spacetime created by a dispersive gravitational wave. Unlike solutions of perturbed Einstein equations in vacuum, dispersive gravitational waves do not travel exactly at the speed of light. As a consequence, the gravitational wave can resonantly exchange energy with scalar massive particles. Some details of the resonant interaction are displayed in a calculation demonstrating how relativistic particles (modeled by the Klein-Gordon equation), feeding on such gravitational waves, may be driven to extreme energies.
Bunster, C., & Gomberoff, A. (2017). Gravitational domain walls and the dynamics of the gravitational constant G. Phys. Rev. D, 96(2), 9 pp.
Abstract: From the point of view of elementary particle physics the gravitational constant G is extraordinarily small. This has led to ask whether it could have decayed to its present value from an initial one commensurate with microscopical units. A mechanism that leads to such a decay is proposed herein. It is based on assuming that G may take different values within regions of the universe separated by a novel kind of domain wall, a “G-wall”. The idea is implemented by introducing a gauge potential A, and its conjugate D, which determines the value of G as an integration constant rather than a fundamental constant. The value of G jumps when one goes through a G-wall. The procedure extends one previously developed for the cosmological constant, but the generalization is far from straightforward: (i) The intrinsic geometry of a G-wall is not the same as seen from its two sides, because the second law of black hole thermodynamics mandates that the jump in G must cause a discontinuity in the scale of length. (ii) The size of the decay step in G is controlled by a function G(D) which may be chosen so as to diminish the value of G towards the asymptote G = 0, without fine tuning. It is shown that: (i) The dynamics of the gravitational field with G treated as a dynamical variable, coupled to G-walls and matter, follows from an action principle, which is given. (ii) A particle that impinges on a G-wall may be refracted or reflected. (iii) The various forces between two particles change when a G-wall is inserted in between them. (iv) G-walls may be nucleated trough tunneling and thermal effects. The semiclassical probabilities are evaluated. (v) If the action principle is constructed properly, the entropy of a black hole increases when the value of the gravitational constant is changed through the absorption of a G-wall by the hole.
Bunster, C., Gomberoff, A., & Perez, A. (2020). Bondi-Metzner-Sachs invariance and electric-magnetic duality. Phys. Rev. D, 101(4), 15 pp.
Abstract: We exhibit a Hamiltonian formulation, both for electromagnetism and gravitation, in which it is not required that the Bondi “news” vanish but only that the incoming news be equal to the outgoing ones. This requirement is implemented by defining the fields on a two-sheeted hyperbolic surface, which we term “the hourglass.” It is a spacelike deformation of the complete light cone. On it, one approaches asymptotically (null) past and future infinity while remaining at a fixed (hyperbolic) time, by going to large spatial distances on its two sheets. The Hamiltonian formulation and-in particular-a conserved angular momentum, can only be constructed if one brings in both the electric and magnetic Bondi-Metzner-Sachs (BMS) charges together with their canonically conjugate “memories.” This reveals a close interplay between the BMS and electric-magnetic duality symmetries.
Canfora, F., Oh, S. H., & Salgado-Rebolledo, P. (2017). Gravitational catalysis of merons in Einstein-Yang-Mills theory. Phys. Rev. D, 96(8), 10 pp.
Abstract: We construct regular configurations of the Einstein-Yang-Mills theory in various dimensions. The gauge field is of meron-type: it is proportional to a pure gauge (with a suitable parameter lambda determined by the field equations). The corresponding smooth gauge transformation cannot be deformed continuously to the identity. In the three-dimensional case we consider the inclusion of a Chern-Simons term into the analysis, allowing lambda to be different from its usual value of 1/2. In four dimensions, the gravitating meron is a smooth Euclidean wormhole interpolating between different vacua of the theory. In five and higher dimensions smooth meron-like configurations can also be constructed by considering warped products of the three-sphere and lower-dimensional Einstein manifolds. In all cases merons (which on flat spaces would be singular) become regular due to the coupling with general relativity. This effect is named “gravitational catalysis of merons”.
Comisso, L., & Asenjo, F. A. (2018). Collisionless magnetic reconnection in curved spacetime and the effect of black hole rotation. Phys. Rev. D, 97(4), 9 pp.
Abstract: Magnetic reconnection in curved spacetime is studied by adopting a general-relativistic magneto-hydrodynamic model that retains collisionless effects for both electron-ion and pair plasmas. A simple generalization of the standard Sweet-Parker model allows us to obtain the first-order effects of the gravitational field of a rotating black hole. It is shown that the black hole rotation acts to increase the length of azimuthal reconnection layers, thus leading to a decrease of the reconnection rate. However, when coupled to collisionless thermal-inertial effects, the net reconnection rate is enhanced with respect to what would happen in a purely collisional plasma due to a broadening of the reconnection layer. These findings identify an underlying interaction between gravity and collisionless magnetic reconnection in the vicinity of compact objects.
Comisso, L., & Asenjo, F. A. (2020). Generalized magnetofluid connections in a curved spacetime. Phys. Rev. D, 102(2), 8 pp.
Abstract: The ideal magnetohydrodynamic theorem on the conservation of the magnetic connections between plasma elements is extended to nonideal relativistic plasmas in curved spacetime. The existence of generalized magnetofluid connections that are preserved by the plasma dynamics is formalized by means of a covariant connection equation that includes different nonideal effects. These generalized connections are constituted by 2-dimensional hypersurfaces, which are linked to an antisymmetric tensor field that unifies the electromagnetic and fluid fields. They can be interpreted in terms of generalized magnetofluid vorticity field lines by considering a 3 + 1 foliation of spacetime and a time resetting projection that compensates for the loss of simultaneity between spatially separated events. The worldshects of the generalized magnetofluid vorticity field lines play a fundamental role in the plasma dynamics by prohibiting evolutions that do not preserve the magnetofluid connectivity.