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Ramajo, L., Rodriguez-Navarro, A. B., Duarte, C. M., Lardies, M. A., & Lagos, N. A. (2015). Shifts in shell mineralogy and metabolism of Concholepas concholepas juveniles along the Chilean coast. Mar. Freshw. Res., 66(12), 1147–1157.
Abstract: Along the west coast of South America, from the tropical zone to the Patagonian waters, there is a significant latitudinal gradient in seawater temperature, salinity and carbonate chemistry. These physical-chemical changes in seawater induce morphological and physiological responses in calcifying organisms, which may alter their energy budget and calcification processes. In this study, we study the organism energy maintenance (i.e. metabolic rate) and mineralogical composition of the shell of the juvenile marine snails Concholepas concholepas (Gastropoda: Muricidae), collected from benthic populations located similar to 2000km apart, varies across geographic regions along the Chilean coast. We found that in juvenile snails, the calcite:aragonite ratio in the pallial shell margin (i.e. newly deposited shell) increase significantly from northern to southern populations and this increase in calcite precipitation in the shell of juveniles snails was associated with a decrease in oxygen consumption rates in these populations. Our result suggests that calcite secretion may be favoured when metabolic rates are lowered, as this carbonate mineral phase might be less energetically costly for the organism to precipitate. This result is discussed in relation to the natural process such as coastal upwelling and freshwater inputs that promote geographic variation in levels of pH and carbonate saturation state in seawater along the Chilean coast.
Keywords: calcium carbonate; metabolism; ocean acidification; temperature
Pavissich, J. P., Camus, N., Campos, J. L., Franchi, O., Pedrouso, A., Carrera, P., et al. (2021). Monitoring the stability of aerobic granular sludge using fractal dimension analysis. Environ. Sci-Wat Res., 7(4), 706–713.
Abstract: Cyclic episodes of granules formation and disintegration took place in two lab-scale aerobic granular sludge sequencing batch reactors, one fed with synthetic wastewater (COD: 0.6 g L-1 and NH4+-N: 0.06 g L-1) and operated at a constant organic loading rate (2.5 g COD per L d), and the other fed with real wastewater (soluble COD: 0.27-1.37 and NH4+-N: 0.02-0.16 g L-1) and with a variable loading rate (between 1.1 and 5.5 g CODsoluble per L d). The sludge volume index, density and diameter (mean value and relative standard deviation) of the granular biomass showed great fluctuations, without any clear tendency during the operational period. However, changes in granules fractal dimension values (both mean and relative standard deviation) matched with the formation and disintegration dynamics of the granular biomass. Statistical data analysis showed that the relative standard deviation of the granules fractal dimension could be a useful parameter for monitoring the granules status. Indeed, an increase of its value during the maturation or steady-state granulation stages is an early warning of disintegration episodes. A control strategy to maintain granules integrity based on this parameter is proposed.
Aybar, M., Perez-Calleja, P., Li, M., Pavissich, J. P., & Nerenberg, R. (2019). Predation creates unique void layer in membrane-aerated biofilms. Water Res., 149, 232–242.
Abstract: The membrane-aerated biofilm reactor (MABR) is a novel wastewater treatment technology based on oxygen-supplying membranes. The counter diffusion of oxygen and electron donors in MABRs leads to unique behavior, and we hypothesized it also could impact predation. We used optical coherence tomography (OCT), microsensor analyses, and mathematical modeling to investigate predation in membrane-aerated biofilms (MABs). When protozoa were excluded from the inoculum, the MAB's OCT-observable void fraction was around 5%. When protozoa were included, the void fraction grew to nearly 50%, with large, continuous voids at the base of the biofilm. Real-time OCT imaging showed highly motile protozoa in the voids. MABs with protozoa and a high bulk COD (270 mg/L) only had 4% void fraction. DNA sequencing revealed a high relative abundance of amoeba in both high and low-COD MABs. Flagellates were only abundant in the low-COD MAB. Modeling also suggested a relationship between substrate concentrations, diffusion mode (co- or counter-diffusion), and bioflim void fraction. Results suggest that amoeba proliferate in the bioflim interior, especially in the aerobic zones. Voids form once COD limitation at the base of MABs allows predation rates to exceed microbial growth rates. Once formed, the voids provide a niche for motile protozoa, which expand the voids into a large, continuous gap. This increases the potential for biofilm sloughing, and may have detrimental effects on slow-growing, aerobic microorganisms such as nitrifying bacteria. (C)2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Crutchik, D., Frison, N., Eusebi, A. L., & Fatone, F. (2018). Biorefinery of cellulosic primary sludge towards targeted Short Chain Fatty Acids, phosphorus and methane recovery. Water Res., 136, 112–119.
Abstract: Cellulose from used toilet paper is a major untapped resource embedded in municipal wastewater which recovery and valorization to valuable products can be optimized. Cellulosic primary sludge (CPS) can be separated by upstream dynamic sieving and anaerobically digested to recover methane as much as 4.02 m(3)/capita.year. On the other hand, optimal acidogenic fermenting conditions of CPS allows the production of targeted short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) as much as 2.92 kg COD/capita . year. Here propionate content can be more than 30% and can optimize the enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) processes or the higher valuable co-polymer of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs). In this work, first a full set of batch assays were used at three different temperatures (37, 55 and 70 degrees C) and three different initial pH (8, 9 and 10) to identify the best conditions for optimizing both the total SCFAs and propionate content from CPS fermentation. Then, the optimal conditions were applied in long term to a Sequencing Batch Fermentation Reactor where the highest propionate production (100-120 mg COD/g TVSfed.d) was obtained at 37 degrees C and adjusting the feeding pH at 8. This was attributed to the higher hydrolysis efficiency of the cellulosic materials (up to 44%), which increased the selective growth of Propionibacterium acidopropionici in the fermentation broth up to 34%. At the same time, around 88% of the phosphorus released during the acidogenic fermentation was recovered as much as 0.15 kg of struvite per capita . year. Finally, the potential market value was preliminary estimated for the recovered materials that can triple over the conventional scenario of biogas recovery in existing municipal wastewater treatment plants. (C) 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.