Aros, R., & Contreras, M. (2006). Torsion induces gravity. Phys. Rev. D, 73(8), 4 pp.
Abstract: In this work the Poincare-Chern-Simons and anti-de Sitter-Chern-Simons gravities are studied. For both, a solution that can be cast as a black hole with manifest torsion is found. Those solutions resemble Schwarzschild and Schwarzschild-AdS solutions, respectively.
Canessa, E., & Riolo, R. L. (2006). An agent-based model of the impact of computer-mediated communication on organizational culture and performance: an example of the application of complex systems analysis tools to the study of CIS. J. Inf. Technol., 21(4), 272–283.
Abstract: Organizations that make use of computer information systems (CIS) are prototypical complex adaptive systems (CAS). This paper shows how an approach from Complexity Science, exploratory agent-based modeling (ABM), can be used to study the impact of two different modes of use of computer-mediated communication (CMC) on organizational culture (OC) and performance. The ABM includes stylized representations of (a) agents communicating with other agents to complete tasks; (b) an OC consisting of the distribution of agent traits, changing as agents communicate; (c) the effect of OC on communication effectiveness (CE), and (d) the effect of CE on task completion times, that is, performance. If CMC is used in a broad mode, that is, to contact and collaborate with many, new agents, the development of a strong OC is slowed, leading to decreased CE and poorer performance early on. If CMC is used in a local mode, repeatedly contacting the same agents, a strong OC develops rapidly, leading to increased CE and high performance early on. However, if CMC is used in a broad mode over longer time periods, a strong OC can develop over a wider set of agents, leading to an OC that is stronger than an OC which develops with local CMC use. Thus broad use of CMC results in overall CE and performance that is higher than is generated by local use of CMC. We also discuss how the dynamics generated by an ABM can lead to a deeper understanding of the behavior of a CAS, for example, allowing us to better design empirical longitudinal studies.
de Mateo, F., Coelli, T., & O'Donnell, C. (2006). Optimal paths and costs of adjustment in dynamic DEA models: with application to chilean department stores. Ann. Oper. Res., 145(1), 211–227.
Abstract: In this paper we propose a range of dynamic data envelopment analysis (DEA) models which allow information on costs of adjustment to be incorporated into the DEA framework. We first specify a basic dynamic DEA model predicated on a number or simplifying assumptions. We then outline a number of extensions to this model to accommodate asymmetric adjustment costs, non-static output quantities, non-static input prices, and non-static costs of adjustment, technological change, quasi-fixed inputs and investment budget constraints. The new dynamic DEA models provide valuable extra information relative to the standard static DEA models-they identify an optimal path of adjustment for the input quantities, and provide a measure of the potential cost savings that result from recognising the costs of adjusting input quantities towards the optimal point. The new models are illustrated using data relating to a chain of 35 retail department stores in Chile. The empirical results illustrate the wealth of information that can be derived from these models, and clearly show that static models overstate potential cost savings when adjustment costs are non-zero.
Gajardo, A., & Goles, E. (2006). Crossing information in two-dimensional Sandpiles. Theor. Comput. Sci., 369(1-3), 463–469.
Abstract: We prove that in a two-dimensional Sandpile automaton, embedded in a regular infinite planar cellular space, it is impossible to cross information, if the bit of information is the presence (or absence) of an avalanche. This proves that it is impossible to embed arbitrary logical circuits in a Sandpile through quiescent configurations. Our result applies also for the non-planar neighborhood of Moore. Nevertheless, we also show that it is possible to compute logical circuits with a two-dimensional Sandpile, if a neighborhood of radius two is used in Z(2); crossing information becomes possible in that case, and we conclude that for this neighborhood the Sandpde is P-complete and Turing universal. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Hernandez, R. R. (2006). Schwarzian derivatives and a linearly invariant family in c(n). Pac. J. Math., 228(2), 201–218.
Abstract: We use Oda's definition of the Schwarzian derivative for locally univalent holomorphic maps F in several complex variables to define a Schwarzian derivative operator phi F. We use the Bergman metric to define a norm 11,vertical bar vertical bar phi F vertical bar vertical bar for this operator, which in the ball is invariant under composition with automorphisms. We study the linearly invariant family F-alpha = {F : B-n -> C-n vertical bar F(0) = 0, DF(0) = Id, vertical bar vertical bar phi F vertical bar vertical bar <= alpha}, estimating its order and norm order.