Barrientos-Diaz, L., Gidekel, M., & Gutierrez-Moraga, A. (2008). Characterization of rhizospheric bacteria isolated from Deschampsia antarctica Desv. World J. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 24(10), 2289–2296.
Abstract: Deschampsia antarctica Desv. is the only gramineae capable of colonizing the Antarctic due to the region's extreme climate and soil environment. In the present research, bacteria colonizing the rhizospheric soil of D. antarctica were isolated and characterized. The soil studies showed that D. antarctica possesses a wide spectrum of psychrotolerant bacteria with extensive and varied antibiotic resistance, as well as heavy metal tolerance. The bacterial strains isolated from the rhizosphere of D. antarctica also produced a diverse pattern of enzymes. Based on the strain identification with partial characterization of the 16S rRNA gene, the majority of the isolates correspond to different Pseudomonas species, and species of the genus Flavobacterium sp. and Arthrobacter sp. The isolated strains collected from this research constitute a unique collection for future, more detailed taxonomic analysis and physiological characterization, contributing to the search for potential biotechnological uses. These findings and others have great potential for developing new biotechnological products from Antarctic microorganisms.
Goles, E., & Salinas, L. (2008). Comparison between parallel and serial dynamics of Boolean networks. Theor. Comput. Sci., 396(1-3), 247–253.
Abstract: In this article we study some aspects about the graph associated with parallel and serial behavior of a Boolean network. We conclude that the structure of the associated graph can give some information about the attractors of the network. We show that the length of the attractors of Boolean networks with a graph by layers is a power of two and under certain conditions the only attractors are fixed points. Also, we show that, under certain conditions, dynamical cycles are not the same for parallel and serial updates of the same Boolean network. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Palma, W., Bondon, P., & Tapia, J. (2008). Assessing influence in Gaussian long-memory models. Comput. Stat. Data Anal., 52(9), 4487–4501.
Abstract: A statistical methodology for detecting influential observations in long-memory models is proposed. The identification of these influential points is carried out by case-deletion techniques. In particular, a Kullback-Leibler divergence is considered to measure the effect of a subset of observations on predictors and smoothers. These techniques are illustrated with an analysis of the River Nile data where the proposed methods are compared to other well-known approaches such as the Cook and the Mahalanobis distances. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Salinas, L., & Goles, E. (2008). Covering by squares. Theor. Comput. Sci., 396(1-3), 10–27.
Abstract: In this paper we introduce the “do not touch” condition for squares in the discrete plane. We say that two squares “do not touch” if they do not share any vertex or any segment of an edge. Using this condition we define a covering of the discrete plane, the covering can be strong or weak, regular or non-regular. For simplicity, in this article, we will restrict our attention to regular coverings, i.e., only a size is allowed for the squares and all the squares have the same number of adjacent squares. We establish minimal conditions for the existence of a weak or strong regular covering of the discrete plane, and we give a bound for the number of adjacent squares with respect to the size of the squares in the regular covering. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Valencia, L. (2008). New scenario of the non-conventional renewable energies on Chile after the incentives created on the “Short Law I”. Renew. Energy, 33(6), 1429–1434.
Abstract: Non-conventional renewable energies have never played in important role in the Chilean energy generation system, mainly due to the economic barriers that actually exists oil our country for the inclusion of these kinds of technologies. Nevertheless, the use of renewable energy system technologies have started to be an interesting issue for the Chilean government, and for that reason, the last modification of the Energy Law during 2004, usually known as “Short Law I”, introduced the first direct incentive to renewable energy generation (specifically in the art. 71-7). In this work we analyze in detail the modification oil the electric law we mentioned before, especially for geothermal and wind power generation, and we compare the economic incentive generated with the new law and the differences between the real energy costs using renewable energy systems technologies and the current energy price in Chile. It is clear from the analysis that the total incentives do not cover more than 8.3% of the price differences between incomes and costs. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.