Author |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
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Bugedo, G.; Tobar, E.; Alegria, L.; Oviedo, V.; Arellano, D.; Basoalto, R.; Enberg, L.; Suarez, P.; Bitran, E.; Chabert, S.; Bruhn, A. |
Development of mechanical ventilators in Chile. Chronicle of the initiative "Un Respiro para Chile |
2023 |
Revista Medica de Chile |
150 |
958-965 |
Bitran, E.; Rivera, P.; Villena, M.J. |
Water management problems in the Copiapo Basin, Chile: markets, severe scarcity and the regulator |
2014 |
Water Policy |
16 |
844-863 |
Bitran, E.; Duarte, F.; Fernandes, D.; Villena, M. |
Impact of the Guaranteed Health Plan with a single community premium in the demand for private health insurance in Chile |
2017 |
Cepal Review |
225-244 |