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Caceres, C.; Moczko, E.; Basozabal, I.; Guerreiro, A.; Piletsky, S. Molecularly Imprinted Nanoparticles (NanoMIPs) Selective for Proteins: Optimization of a Protocol for Solid-Phase Synthesis Using Automatic Chemical Reactor 2021 Polymers 13 314 details   doi
Caceres, C.; Moffat, R.; Pakalnis, R. Evaluation of flexural failure of sill mats using classical beam theory and numerical models 2017 International Journal Of Rock Mechanics And Mining Sciences 99 21-27 details   pdf doi
Caceres, C.; Morgado, M.D.G.; Bozo, F.C.; Piletsky, S.; Moczko, E. Rapid Selective Detection and Quantification of beta-Blockers Used in Doping Based on Molecularly Imprinted Nanoparticles (NanoMIPs) 2022 Polymers 14 5420 details   doi
Feinstein, A.D.; Radica, M.; Welbanks, L.; Murray, C.A.; Ohno, K.; Coulombe, L.P.; Espinoza, N.; Bean, J.L.; Teske, J.K.; Benneke, B.; Line, M.R.; Rustamkulov, Z.; Saba, A.; Tsiaras, A.; Barstow, J.K.; Fortney, J.J.; Gao, P.T.; Knutson, H.A.; MacDonald, R.J.; Mikal-Evans, T.; Rackham, B.V.; Taylor, J.; Parmentier, V.; Batalha, N.M.; Berta-Thompson, Z.K.; Carter, A.L.; Changeat, Q.; dos Santos, L.A.; Gibson, N.P.; Goyal, J.M.; Kreidberg, L.; Lopez-Morales, M.; Lothringer, J.D.; Miguel, Y.; Molaverdikhani, K.; Moran, S.E.; Morello, G.; Mukherjee, S.; Sing, D,.K.; Stevenson, K.B.; Wakeford, H.R.; Ahrer, E.M.; Alam, M.K.; Alderson, L.; Allen, N.H.; Batalha, N.E.; Bell, T.J.; Blecic, J.; Brande, J.; Caceres, C.; Casewell, S.L.; Chubb, K.L.; Crossfield, I.J.M.; Crouzet, N.; Cubillos, P.E.; Decin, L.; Desert, J.M.; Harrington, J.; Heng, K.V.; Henning, T.; Iro, N.; Kempton, E.M.R.; Kendrew, S.; Kirk, J.; Krick, J.; Lagage, P.O.; Lendl, M.; Mancini, L.; Mansfield, M.; May, E.M.; Mayne, N.J.; Nikolov, N.K.; Palle, E.; de la Roche, D.J.M.P.D.; Piaulet, C.; Powell, D.; Redfield, S.; Rogers, L.K.; Roman, M.T.; Roy, P.A.; Nixon, M.C.; Schlawin, E.; Tan, X.Y.; Tremblin, P.; Turner, J.D.; Venot, O.; Waalkes, W.C.; Wheatley, P.J.; Zhang, X. Early Release Science of the exoplanet WASP-39b with JWST NIRISS 2023 Nature Early Access details   doi
Lagos, F.; Schreiber, M.R.; Parsons, S.G.; Zurlo, A.; Mesa, D.; Gansicke, B.T.; Brahm, R.; Caceres, C.; Canovas, H.; Hernandez, M.S.; Jordan, A.; Koester, D.; Schmidtobreick, L.; Tappert, C.; Zorotovic, M. The White Dwarf Binary Pathways Survey -III. Contamination from hierarchical triples containing a white dwarf 2020 Monthly Notices Of The Royal Astronomical Society 494 915-922 details   doi
Lagos, M.; Caceres, C.W.; Lardies, M.A. Geographic variation in acid- base balance of the intertidal crustacean Cyclograpsus cinereus ( Decapoda, Grapsidae) during air exposure 2014 Journal Of The Marine Biological Association Of The United Kingdom 94 159-165 details   pdf doi
Moffat, R.; Caceres, C.; Tapia, E Rock Pillar Design Using a Masonry Equivalent Numerical Model 2021 Energies 14 890 details   doi
Sanhueza, L.; Garrido, K.; Celis, F.; Garcia, M.; Caceres, C.; Moczko, E.; Diaz, R.; Aguirre, M.J.; Garcia, C. Tailoring the electroactive area of carbon screen-printed electrodes by simple activation steps towards rutin determination 2023 Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry 27 1511-1521 details   doi
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