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Author Title Year Publication (up) Volume Pages
Chaigneau, S.E.; Canessa, E.; Barra, C.; Lagos, R. The role of variability in the property listing task 2018 Behavior Research Methods 50 972-988
Canessa, E.; Chaigneau, S.E.; Lagos, R.; Medina, F.A. How to carry out conceptual properties norming studies as parameter estimation studies: Lessons from ecology 2021 Behavior Research Methods 53 354–370
Canessa, E.; Chaigneau, S.E.; Moreno, S.; Lagos, R. CPNCoverageAnalysis: An R package for parameter estimation in conceptual properties norming studies 2023 Behavior Research Methods 55 554–569
Canessa, E.; Chaigneau, S.E.; Moreno, S. Using agreement probability to study differences in types of concepts and conceptualizers 2022 Behavior Research Methods Early Access
Ramos, D.; Moreno, S.; Canessa, E.; Chaigneau, S.E.; Marchant, N. AC-PLT: An algorithm for computer-assisted coding of semantic property listing data 2023 Behavior Research Methods Early Access
Canessa, E.; Chaigneau, S.E.; Moreno, S.; Lagos, R. Informational content of cosine and other similarities calculated from high-dimensional Conceptual Property Norm data 2020 Cognitive Processing 21 601-614
Chaigneau, S.E.; Canessa, E.; Lenci, A.; Devereux, B. Eliciting semantic properties: methods and applications 2020 Cognitive Processing 21 583-586
Marchant, N.; Canessa, E.; Chaigneau, S.E. An adaptive linear filter model of procedural category learning 2022 Cognitive Processing 23 393-405
Canessa, E.; Chaigneau, S.E.; Moreno, S. Language processing differences between blind and sighted individuals and the abstract versus concrete concept difference 2021 Cognitive Science 45 e13044
Chaigneau, S.E.; Puebla, G.; Canessa, E.C. Why the designer's intended function is central for proper function assignment and artifact conceptualization: Essentialist and normative accounts 2016 Developmental Review 41 38-50
Canessa, E.; Vera, S.; Allende, H. A new method for estimating missing values for a genetic algorithm used in robust design 2012 Engineering Optimization 44 787-800
Canessa, E.; Chaigneau, S. Response surface methodology for estimating missing values in a pareto genetic algorithm used in parameter design 2017 Ingenieria E Investigacion 37 89-98
Prieto, P.; Briede, J.C.; Beghelli, A.; Canessa, E.; Barra, C. I like it elegant: imprinting personalities into product shapes 2020 International Journal Of Design Creativity And Innovation 8 5-20
Prieto, P.; Bride, J.C.; Beghelli, A.; Canessa, E.; Barra, C. I like it elegant: imprinting personalities into product shapes 2020 International Journal of Design Creativity and Innovation 8 5-20
Lagos, R.; Canessa, E.; Chaigneau, S.E. Modeling stereotypes and negative self-stereotypes as a function of interactions among groups with power asymmetries 2019 Journal For The Theory Of Social Behaviour 49 312-333
Canessa, E.; Riolo, R.L. An agent-based model of the impact of computer-mediated communication on organizational culture and performance: an example of the application of complex systems analysis tools to the study of CIS 2006 Journal Of Information Technology 21 272-283
Canessa, E.; Chaigneau, S.E. Mathematical regularities of data from the property listing task 2020 Journal Of Mathematical Psychology 97 19 pp
Chaigneau, S.E.; Marchant, N.; Canessa, E.; Aldunate, N. A mathematical model of semantic access in lexical and semantic decisions 2024 Language and Cognition Early Access
Chaigneau, S.E.; Canessa, E.; Gaete, J. Conceptual agreement theory 2012 New Ideas In Psychology 30 179-189
Canessa, E.; Chaigneau, S.; Barra, C. Developing and calibrating an ABM of the property listing task 2018 Proceedings de la 32nd European Council for Modelling and Simulation, ECMS 2018 2018 13-19