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Author (up) Title Year Publication Volume Pages
Araya-Letelier, G.; Antico, F.C.; Carrasco, M.; Rojas, P.; Garcia-Herrera, C.M. Effectiveness of new natural fibers on damage-mechanical performance of mortar 2017 Construction And Building Materials 152 672-682
Araya-Letelier, G.; Maturana, P.; Carrasco, M.; Antico, F.C.; Gomez, M.S. Mechanical-Damage Behavior of Mortars Reinforced with Recycled Polypropylene Fibers 2019 Sustainability 11 17 pp
Caceres, E.; Carrasco, M.; Rios, S. Evaluation of an eye-pointer interaction device for human-computer interaction 2018 Heliyon 4 e00574
Cano-Martinez, M.J.; Carrasco, M.; Sandoval, J.; Gonzalez-Martin, C. Quantitative Analysis of Visual Representation of Sign Elements in COVID-19 Context 2022 Empirical Studies of the Arts 41 31–51
Carrasco, J.A.; Carrasco, M.; Yanez, R. An inexpert expert 2022 Applied Economics Letters Early Access
Carrasco, M.; Alvarez, F.; Velazquez, R.; Concha, J.; Perez-Cotapos, F. Brush-Holder Integrated Load Sensor Prototype for SAG Grinding Mill Motor 2019 Electronics 8 14 pp
Carrasco, M.; Alvarez, F.; Velazquez, R.; Concha, J.; Perez-Cotapos, I. Inline Force Sensor Development for Electrical Motors for Mining Operations in Chile: A New Inspection Protocol 2018 Ieee Latin America Transactions 16 66-74
Carrasco, M.; Araya-Letelier, G.; Velazquez, R.; Visconti, P. Image-Based Automated Width Measurement of Surface Cracking 2021 Sensors 21 7534
Carrasco, M.; Mery, D.; Concha, A.; Velazquez, R.; De Fazio, R.; Visconti, P. An Efficient Point-Matching Method Based on Multiple Geometrical Hypotheses 2021 Electronics 10 246
Carrasco, M.; Toledo, P.; Tischler, N.D. Macromolecule Particle Picking and Segmentation of a KLH Database by Unsupervised Cryo-EM Image Processing 2019 Biomolecules 9 14 pp
Carrasco, M.; Toledo, PA.; Velazquez, R.; Bruno, OM. Automatic Stomatal Segmentation Based on Delaunay-Rayleigh Frequency Distance 2020 Plants-Basel 9 1613
Cisternas, J.; Mellado, P.; Urbina, F.; Portilla, C.; Carrasco, M.; Concha, A. Stable and unstable trajectories in a dipolar chain 2021 Physical Review B 103 134443
de Fazio, R.; Giannoccaro, N.I.; Carrasco, M.; Velazquez, R.; Visconti, P. Wearable devices and IoT applications for symptom detection, infection tracking, and diffusion containment of the COVID-19 pandemic: a survey 2021 Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering 22 1413-1442
Forster, F.; Cabrera-Vives, G.; Castillo-Navarrete, E.; Estevez, PA.; Sanchez-Saez, P.; Arredondo, J.; Bauer, FE.; Carrasco-Davis, R.; Catelan, M.; Elorrieta, F.; Eyheramendy, S.; Huijse, P.; Pignata, G.; Reyes, E.; Reyes, I.; Rodriguez-Mancini, D.; Ruz-Mieres, D.; Valenzuela, C.; Alvarez-Maldonado, I.; Astorga, N.; Borissova, J.; Clocchiatti, A.; De Cicco, D.; Donoso-Oliva, C.; Hernandez-Garcia, L.; Graham, MJ.; Jordan, A.; Kurtev, R.; Mahabal, A.; Maureira, JC.; Munoz-Arancibia, A.; Molina-Ferreiro, R.; Moya, A.; Palma, W.; Perez-Carrasco, M.; Protopapas, P.; Romero, M.; Sabatini-Gacitua, L.; Sanchez, A.; San Martin, J.; Sepulveda-Cobo, C.; Vera, E.; Vergara, JR. The Automatic Learning for the Rapid Classification of Events (ALeRCE) Alert Broker 2021 Astronomical Journal 161 242
Gonzalez-Martin, C.; Carrasco, M.; Oviedo, G. Analysis of the Use of Color and Its Emotional Relationship in Visual Creations Based on Experiences during the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic 2022 Sustainability 14 12989
Gonzalez-Martin, C.; Carrasco, M.; Wielandt, T.G.W. Detection of Emotions in Artworks Using a Convolutional Neural Network Trained on Non-Artistic Images: A Methodology to Reduce the Cross-Depiction Problem 2023 Empirical Studies of the Arts Early Access
Menares, F.; Carrasco, M.A.; Gonzalez, B.; Fuentes, I.; Casanova, M. Phytostabilization Ability of Baccharis linearis and Its Relation to Properties of a Tailings-Derived Technosol 2017 Water Air And Soil Pollution 228 17 pp
Mery, D.; Riffo, V.; Zscherpel, U.; Mondragon, G.; Lillo, I.; Zuccar, I.; Lobel, H.; Carrasco, M. GDXray: The Database of X-ray Images for Nondestructive Testing 2015 Journal Of Nondestructive Evaluation 34 12 pp
Moffat, R.; Parra, P.; Carrasco, M. Monitoring a 28.5 m High Anchored Pile Wall in Gravel Using Various Methods 2020 Sensors 20 14 pp
Sanchez-Saez, P.; Lira, H.; Marti, L.; Sanchez-Pi, N.; Arredondo, J.; Bauer, F.E.; Bayo, A.; Cabrera-Vives, G.; Donoso-Oliva, C.; Estevez, P.A.; Eyheramendy, S.; Forster, F.; Hernandez-Garcia, L.; Arancibia, A.M.M.; Perez-Carrasco, M.; Sepulveda, M.; Vergara, J.R. Searching for Changing-state AGNs in Massive Data Sets. I. Applying Deep Learning and Anomaly-detection Techniques to Find AGNs with Anomalous Variability Behaviors 2021 Astronomical Journal 162 206