Author |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Volume |
Pages |
Links |
Fraigniaud, P.; Montealegre-Barba, P.; Oshman, R.; Rapaport, I.; Todinca, I. |
On Distributed Merlin-Arthur Decision Protocols |
2019 |
Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences |
11639 |
Goles, E.; Maldonado, D.; Montealegre-Barba, P.; Ollinger, N. |
Fast-Parallel Algorithms for Freezing Totalistic Asynchronous Cellular Automata |
2018 |
Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences |
11115 |
406-415 |
Goles, E.; Montealegre-Barba, P.; Rios-Wilson, M. |
On the Effects of Firing Memory in the Dynamics of Conjunctive Networks |
2019 |
Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences |
11525 |
Goles, E.; Montealegre-Barba, P.; Todinca, I. |
The complexity of the bootstraping percolation and other problems |
2013 |
Theoretical Computer Science |
504 |
73-82 |
Montealegre-Barba, P.; Perez-Salazar, S.; Rapaport, I.; Todinca, I. |
Two Rounds Are Enough for Reconstructing Any Graph (Class) in the Congested Clique Model |
2018 |
Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences |
11085 |