Author |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Volume |
Pages |
Araya-Letelier, G.; Antico, F.C.; Burbano-Garcia, C.; Concha-Riedeld, J.; Norambuena-Contreras, J.; Concha, J.; Saavedra Flores, E.I. |
Experimental evaluation of adobe mixtures reinforced with jute fibers |
2021 |
Construction and Building Materials |
276 |
122127 |
Norambuena-Contreras, J.; Arteaga-Perez, L.E.; Guadarrama-Lezama, A.Y.; Briones, R.; Vivanco, J.F.; Gonzalez-Torre, I. |
Microencapsulated Bio-Based Rejuvenators for the Self-Healing of Bituminous Materials |
2020 |
Materials |
13 |
16 pp |
Norambuena-Contreras, J.; Gonzalez-Torre, I.; Vivanco, J.F.; Gacitua, W. |
Nanomechanical properties of polymeric fibres used in geosynthetics |
2016 |
Polymer Testing |
54 |
67-77 |