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Aybar, M.; Perez-Calleja, P.; Li, M.; Pavissich, J.P.; Nerenberg, R. Predation creates unique void layer in membrane-aerated biofilms 2019 Water Research 149 232-242 details   pdf doi
Besaury, L.; Ouddane, B.; Pavissich, J.P.; Dubrulle-Brunaud, C.; Gonzalez, B.; Quillet, L. Impact of copper on the abundance and diversity of sulfate-reducing prokaryotes in two chilean marine sediments 2012 Marine Pollution Bulletin 64 2135-2145 details   pdf doi
Campos, J.L.; Crutchik, D.; Franchi, O.; Pavissich, J.P.; Belmonte, M.; Pedrouso, A.; Mosquera-Corral, A.; del Rio, A.V. Nitrogen and Phosphorus Recovery From Anaerobically Pretreated Agro-Food Wastes: A Review 2019 Frontiers In Sustainable Food Systems 2 11 pp details   doi
Campos, J.L.; Dumais, J.; Pavissich, J.P.; Franchi, O.; Crutchik, D.; Belmonte, M.; Faundez, M.; Jorquera, L.; Pedrouso, A.; Mosquera-Corral, A.; del Rio, A.V. Predicting Accumulation of Intermediate Compounds in Nitrification and Autotrophic Denitrification Processes: A Chemical Approach 2019 Biomed Research International 2019 9 pp details   pdf doi
Cofre, C.; Campos, J.L.; Valenzuela-Heredia, D.; Pavissich, J.P.; Camus, N.; Belmonte, M.; Pedrouso, A.; Carrera, P.; Mosquera-Corral, A.; Val del Rio, A. Novel system configuration with activated sludge like-geometry to develop aerobic granular biomass under continuous flow 2018 Bioresource Technology 267 778-781 details   pdf doi
De la Iglesia, R.; Valenzuela-Heredia, D.; Pavissich, J.P.; Freyhoffer, S.; Andrade, S.; Correa, J.A.; Gonzalez, B. Novel polymerase chain reaction primers for the specific detection of bacterial copper P-type ATPases gene sequences in environmental isolates and metagenomic DNA 2010 Letters In Applied Microbiology 50 552-562 details   pdf doi
Franchi, O.; Alvarez, M.I.; Pavissich, J.P.; Belmonte, M.; Pedrouso, A.; del Rio, A.V.; Mosquera-Corral, A.; Campos, J.L. Operational variables and microbial community dynamics affect granulation stability in continuous flow aerobic granular sludge reactors 2024 Journal of Water Process Engineering 59 104951 details   doi
McFadden, M.; Loconsole, J.; Schockling, A.; Nerenberg, R.; Pavissich, J.P. Comparing peracetic acid and hypochlorite for disinfection of combined sewer overflows: Effects of suspended-solids and pH 2017 Science Of The Total Environment 599 533-539 details   pdf doi
Pavissich, J.P.; Li, M.; Nerenberg, R. Spatial distribution of mechanical properties in Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms, and their potential impacts on biofilm deformation 2021 Biotechnology and Bioengineering 118 1564-1575 details   doi
Pavissich, J.P.; Camus, N.; Campos, J.L.; Franchi, O.; Pedrouso, A.; Carrera, P.; del Rio, A.V.; Mosquera-Corral, A. Monitoring the stability of aerobic granular sludge using fractal dimension analysis 2021 Environmental Science-Water Research Technology 7 706-713 details   doi
Pavissich, J.P.; Silva, M.; Gonzalez, B. Sulfate Reduction, Molecular Diversity, And Copper Amendment Effects In Bacterial Communities Enriched From Sediments Exposed To Copper Mining Residues 2010 Environmental Toxicology And Chemistry 29 256-264 details   pdf doi
Pavissich, J.P.; Vargas, I.T.; Gonzalez, B.; Pasten, P.A.; Pizarro, G.E. Culture dependent and independent analyses of bacterial communities involved in copper plumbing corrosion 2010 Journal Of Applied Microbiology 109 771-782 details   pdf doi
Read-Daily, B.L.; Sabba, F.; Pavissich, J.P.; Nerenberg, R. Kinetics of nitrous oxide (N2O) formation and reduction by Paracoccus pantotrophus 2016 Amb Express 6 7 pp details   pdf doi
Tierra, G.; Pavissich, J.P.; Nerenberg, R.; Xu, Z.L.; Alber, M.S. Multicomponent model of deformation and detachment of a biofilm under fluid flow 2015 Journal of the Royal Society Interface 12 13 pp details   pdf doi
Vargas, I.T.; Fischer, D.A.; Alsina, M.A.; Pavissich, J.P.; Pasten, P.A.; Pizarro, G.E. Copper Corrosion and Biocorrosion Events in Premise Plumbing 2017 Materials 10 30 pp details   pdf doi
Walker, P.; Nerenberg, R.; Pizarro, G.; Aybar, M.; Pavissich, J.P.; González, B.; Pastén, P. Nitrate increases the capacity of an aerobic moving-bed biofilm reactor (MBBR) for winery wastewater treatment 2024 Water Science And Technology Early Access details   doi
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