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Akhmediev, N.; Kibler, B.; Baronio, F.; Belic, M.; Zhong, W.P.; Zhang, Y.Q.; Chang, W.; Soto-Crespo, J.M.; Vouzas, P.; Grelu, P.; Lecaplain, C.; Hammani, K.; Rica, S.; Picozzi, A.; Tlidi, M.; Panajotov, K.; Mussot, A.; Bendahmane, A.; Szriftgiser, P.; Genty, G.; Dudley, J.; Kudlinski, A.; Demircan, A.; Morgner, U.; Amiraranashvili, S.; Bree, C.; Steinmeyer, G.; Masoller, C.; Broderick, N.G.R.; Runge, A.F.J.; Erkintalo, M.; Residori, S.; Bortolozzo, U.; Arecchi, F.T.; Wabnitz, S.; Tiofack, C.G.; Coulibaly, S.; Taki, M. Roadmap on optical rogue waves and extreme events 2016 Journal Of Optics 18 37 pp details   pdf doi
Baudin, K.; Fusaro, A.; Garnier, J.; Berti, N.; Krupa, K.; Carusotto, I:, Rica, S.; Millot, G.; Picozzi, A. Energy and wave-action flows underlying Rayleigh-Jeans thermalization of optical waves propagating in a multimode fiber((a)) 2021 EPL 134 14001 details   doi
Baudin, K.; Fusaro, A.; Krupa, K.; Garnier, J.; Rica, S.; Millot, G.; Picozzi, A. Classical Rayleigh-Jeans Condensation of Light Waves: Observation and Thermodynamic Characterization 2020 Physical Review Letters 125 244101 details   doi
During, G.; Picozzi, A.; Rica, S. Breakdown of weak-turbulence and nonlinear wave condensation 2009 Physica D-Nonlinear Phenomena 238 1524-1549 details   pdf doi
Picozzi, A.; Rica, S. Condensation of classical optical waves beyond the cubic nonlinear Schrodinger equation 2012 Optics Communications 285 5440-5448 details   pdf doi
Sun, C.; Jia, S.; Barsi, C.; Rica, S.; Picozzi, A.; Fleischer, J.W. Observation of the kinetic condensation of classical waves 2012 Nature Physics 8 469-473 details   pdf doi
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