Author |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Volume |
Pages |
Links |
Akhmediev, N.; Kibler, B.; Baronio, F.; Belic, M.; Zhong, W.P.; Zhang, Y.Q.; Chang, W.; Soto-Crespo, J.M.; Vouzas, P.; Grelu, P.; Lecaplain, C.; Hammani, K.; Rica, S.; Picozzi, A.; Tlidi, M.; Panajotov, K.; Mussot, A.; Bendahmane, A.; Szriftgiser, P.; Genty, G.; Dudley, J.; Kudlinski, A.; Demircan, A.; Morgner, U.; Amiraranashvili, S.; Bree, C.; Steinmeyer, G.; Masoller, C.; Broderick, N.G.R.; Runge, A.F.J.; Erkintalo, M.; Residori, S.; Bortolozzo, U.; Arecchi, F.T.; Wabnitz, S.; Tiofack, C.G.; Coulibaly, S.; Taki, M. |
Roadmap on optical rogue waves and extreme events |
2016 |
Journal Of Optics |
18 |
37 pp |
Barra, F.; Lund, F.; Mujica, N.; Rica, S. |
Shear modulus of an elastic solid under external pressure as a function of temperature: The case of helium |
2012 |
Physical Review B |
85 |
6 pp |
Baudin, K.; Fusaro, A.; Garnier, J.; Berti, N.; Krupa, K.; Carusotto, I:, Rica, S.; Millot, G.; Picozzi, A. |
Energy and wave-action flows underlying Rayleigh-Jeans thermalization of optical waves propagating in a multimode fiber((a)) |
2021 |
134 |
14001 |
Baudin, K.; Fusaro, A.; Krupa, K.; Garnier, J.; Rica, S.; Millot, G.; Picozzi, A. |
Classical Rayleigh-Jeans Condensation of Light Waves: Observation and Thermodynamic Characterization |
2020 |
Physical Review Letters |
125 |
244101 |
Canals, C.; Goles, E.; Mascareno, A.; Rica, S.; Ruz, G.A. |
School Choice in a Market Environment: Individual versus Social Expectations |
2018 |
Complexity |
3793095 |
11 pp |
Clerc, M.G.; Rica, S.; Tredicce, J. |
Instabilities and Non-equilibrium Structures. On the occasion of the 60th birthday of Pierre Coullet |
2011 |
European Physical Journal D |
62 |
1-4 |
Cortez, V.; Medina, P.; Goles, E.; Zarama, R.; Rica, S. |
Attractors, statistics and fluctuations of the dynamics of the Schelling's model for social segregation |
2015 |
European Physical Journal B |
88 |
12 pp |
Domic, N.G.; Goles, E.; Rica, S. |
Dynamics and complexity of the Schelling segregation model |
2011 |
Physical Review E |
83 |
13 pp |
During, G.; Josserand, C.; Krstulovic, G.; Rica, S. |
Strong turbulence for vibrating plates: Emergence of a Kolmogorov spectrum |
2019 |
Physical Review Fluids |
4 |
12 pp |
During, G.; Josserand, C.; Rica, S. |
Wave turbulence theory of elastic plates |
2017 |
Physica D-Nonlinear Phenomena |
347 |
42-73 |
During, G.; Josserand, C.; Rica, S. |
Self-similar formation of an inverse cascade in vibrating elastic plates |
2015 |
Physical Review E |
91 |
10 pp |
During, G.; Picozzi, A.; Rica, S. |
Breakdown of weak-turbulence and nonlinear wave condensation |
2009 |
Physica D-Nonlinear Phenomena |
238 |
1524-1549 |
Goles, E.; Mascareno, A.; Medina, P.; Rica, S. |
Migration-induced transition in social structures: a view through the Sakoda model of social interactions |
2020 |
Scientific Reports |
10 |
18338 |
Goles, E.; Rica, S. |
Irreversibility and spontaneous appearance of coherent behavior in reversible systems |
2011 |
European Physical Journal D |
62 |
127-137 |
Humbert, T.; Cadot, O.; During, G.; Josserand, C.; Rica, S.; Touze, C. |
Wave turbulence in vibrating plates: The effect of damping |
2013 |
Epl |
102 |
6 pp |
Jarur, M.C.; Dumais, J.; Rica, S. |
Limiting speed for jumping |
2019 |
Comptes Rendus Mecanique |
347 |
305-317 |
Josserand, C.; Pomeau, Y.; Rica, S. |
Finite-time localized singularities as a mechanism for turbulent dissipation |
2020 |
Physical Review Fluids |
5 |
15 pp |
Kiwi, M.; de Espanes, P.M.; Rapaport, I.; Rica, S.; Theyssier, G. |
Strict Majority Bootstrap Percolation in the r-wheel |
2014 |
Information Processing Letters |
114 |
277-281 |
Mason, P.; Josserand, C.; Rica, S. |
Activated Nucleation of Vortices in a Dipole-Blockaded Supersolid Condensate |
2012 |
Physical Review Letters |
109 |
5 pp |
Medina, P.; Goles, E.; Zarama, R.; Rica, S. |
Self-Organized Societies: On the Sakoda Model of Social Interactions |
2017 |
Complexity |
16 pp |