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Crutchik, D.; Rodriguez-Valdecantos, G.; Bustos, G.; Bravo, J.; Gonzalez, B.; Pabon-Pereira, C. WATER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 2020 82 1781-1794
Crutchik, D.; Rodriguez-Valdecantos, G.; Bustos, G.; Bravo, J.; Gonzalez, B.; Pabon-Pereira, C. Vermiproductivity, maturation and microbiological changes derived from the use of liquid anaerobic digestate during the vermicomposting of market waste 2020 Water Science and Technology 82 1781-1794
Gazitua, M.C.; Morgante, V.; Poupin, M.J.; Ledger, T.; Rodriguez-Valdecantos, G.; Herrera, C.; Gonzalez-Chavez, M.D.; Ginocchio, R.; Gonzalez, B. The microbial community from the early-plant colonizer (Baccharis linearis) is required for plant establishment on copper mine tailings 2021 Scientific Reports 11 10448
Mora-Ruiz, M.D.; Font-Verdera, F.; Diaz-Gil, C.; Urdiain, M.; Rodriguez-Valdecantos, G.; Gonzalez, B.; Orfila, A.; Rossello-Mora, R. Moderate halophilic bacteria colonizing the phylloplane of halophytes of the subfamily Salicornioideae (Amaranthaceae) 2015 Systematic And Applied Microbiology 38 406-416
Diaz-Rullo, J.; Rodriguez-Valdecantos, G.; Torres-Rojas, F.; Cid, L.; Vargas, I.T.; Gonzalez, B.; Gonzalez-Pastor, J.E. Mining for Perchlorate Resistance Genes in Microorganisms From Sediments of a Hypersaline Pond in Atacama Desert, Chile 2021 Frontiers In Microbiology 12 723874
Rodriguez-Valdecantos, G.; Manzano, M.; Sanchez, R.; Urbina, F.; Hengst, M.B.; Lardies, M.A.; Ruz, G.A.; Gonzalez, B. Early successional patterns of bacterial communities in soil microcosms reveal changes in bacterial community composition and network architecture, depending on the successional condition 2017 Applied Soil Ecology 120 44-54
Viver, T.; Cifuentes, A.; Diaz, S.; Rodriguez-Valdecantos, G.; Gonzalez, B.; Anton, J.; Rossello-Mora, R. Diversity of extremely halophilic cultivable prokaryotes in Mediterranean, Atlantic and Pacific solar salterns: Evidence that unexplored sites constitute sources of cultivable novelty 2015 Systematic And Applied Microbiology 38 266-275