Author |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Volume |
Pages |
Links |
del Valle, M.A.; Ramos, A.C.; Diaz, F.R.; Gacitua, M.A. |
Electrosynthesis and Characterisation of Polymer Nanowires from Thiophene and its Oligomers |
2015 |
Journal Of The Brazilian Chemical Society |
26 |
2313-2320 |
Valle, M.A.; Ruz, G.A. |
Market Basket Analysis Using Boltzmann Machines |
2019 |
Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences |
11730 |
Valle, M.A.; Ruz, G.A. |
Turnover Prediction In A Call Center: Behavioral Evidence Of Loss Aversion Using Random Forest And Naive Bayes Algorithms |
2015 |
Applied Artificial Intelligence |
29 |
923-942 |
Valle, M.A.; Ruz, G.A.; Masias, V.H. |
Using self-organizing maps to model turnover of sales agents in a call center |
2017 |
Applied Soft Computing |
60 |
763-774 |
Valle, M.A.; Ruz, G.A.; Morras, R. |
Market basket analysis: Complementing association rules with minimum spanning trees |
2018 |
Expert Systems With Applications |
97 |
146-162 |
Valle, M.A.; Ruz, G.A.; Rica, S. |
Market basket analysis by solving the inverse Ising problem: Discovering pairwise interaction strengths among products |
2019 |
Physica A-Statistical Mechanics And Its Applications |
524 |
36-44 |
Valle, M.A.; Ruz, G.A.; Rica, S. |
Transactional Database Analysis by Discovering Pairwise Interactions Strengths |
2018 |
2018 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM) |
2018 |
Valle, M.A.; Ruz, G.A.; Varas, S. |
A survival model based on met expectations Application to employee turnover in a call center |
2015 |
Academia-Revista Latinoamericana De Administracion |
28 |
177-194 |
Valle, M.A.; Ruz, G.A.; Varas, S. |
Explaining job satisfaction and intentions to quit from a value-risk perspective |
2015 |
Academia-Revista Latinoamericana De Administracion |
28 |
523-540 |
Valle, M.A.; Varas, S.; Ruz, G.A. |
Job performance prediction in a call center using a naive Bayes classifier |
2012 |
Expert Systems With Applications |
39 |
9939-9945 |