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Author (up) Title Year Publication Volume Pages
Argiz, L.; Reyes, C.; Belmonte, M.; Franchi, O.; Campo, R.; Fra-Vazquez, A.; del Rio, A.V.; Mosquera-Corral, A.; Campos, J.L. Assessment of a fast method to predict the biochemical methane potential based on biodegradable COD obtained by fractionation respirometric tests 2020 Journal Of Environmental Management 269 9 pp
Campos, J.L.; Crutchik, D.; Franchi, O.; Pavissich, J.P.; Belmonte, M.; Pedrouso, A.; Mosquera-Corral, A.; del Rio, A.V. Nitrogen and Phosphorus Recovery From Anaerobically Pretreated Agro-Food Wastes: A Review 2019 Frontiers In Sustainable Food Systems 2 11 pp
Campos, J.L.; del Rio, A.V.; Pedrouso, A.; Raux, P.; Giustinianovich, E.A.; Mosquera-Corral, A. Granular biomass floatation: A simple kinetic/stoichiometric explanation 2017 Chemical Engineering Journal 311 63-71
Campos, J.L.; Dumais, J.; Pavissich, J.P.; Franchi, O.; Crutchik, D.; Belmonte, M.; Faundez, M.; Jorquera, L.; Pedrouso, A.; Mosquera-Corral, A.; del Rio, A.V. Predicting Accumulation of Intermediate Compounds in Nitrification and Autotrophic Denitrification Processes: A Chemical Approach 2019 Biomed Research International 2019 9 pp
Campos, J.L.; Mosquera-Corral, A.; del Rio, A.V.; Pedrouso, A. Sustainable Wastewater Management and Treatment 2022 Sustainability 14 9137
Campos, J.L.; Valenzuela-Heredia, D.; Pedrouso, A.; del Rio, A.V.; Belmonte, M.; Mosquera-Corral, A. Greenhouse Gases Emissions from Wastewater Treatment Plants: Minimization, Treatment, and Prevention 2016 Journal Of Chemistry 3796352 12 pp
Carrera, P.; Mosquera-Corral, A.; Mendez, R.; Campos, J.L.; del Rio, A.V. Pulsed aeration enhances aerobic granular biomass properties 2019 Biochemical Engineering Journal 149 7 pp
Crutchik, D.; Barboza, J.; Vazquez-Padin, J.R.; Pedrouso, A.; del Rio, A.V.; Mosquera-Corral, A.; Campos, J.L. Integrating food waste management into urban wastewater treatment: Economic and environmental impacts 2023 Journal Of Environmental Management 345 118517
del Rio, A.V.; Buys, B.; Campos, J.L.; Mendez, R.; Mosquera-Corral, A. Optimizing upflow velocity and calcium precipitation in denitrifying granular systems 2015 Process Biochemistry 50 1656-1661
del Rio, A.V.; Campos, J.L.; Da Silva, C.; Pedrouso, A.; Mosquera-Corral, A. Determination of the intrinsic kinetic parameters of ammonia-oxidizing and nitrite-oxidizing bacteria in granular and flocculent sludge 2019 Separation And Purification Technology 213 571-577
del Rio, A.V.; da Silva, T.; Martins, T.H.; Foresti, E.; Campos, J.L.; Mendez, R.; Mosquera-Corral, A. Partial Nitritation-Anammox Granules: Short-Term Inhibitory Effects of Seven Metals on Anammox Activity 2017 Water Air And Soil Pollution 228 9 pp
del Rio, A.V.; Pichel, A.; Fernandez-Gonzalez, N.; Pedrouso, A.; Fra-Vazquez, A.; Morales, N.; Mendez, R.; Campos, J.L.; Mosquera-Corral, A. Performance and microbial features of the partial nitritation-anammox process treating fish canning wastewater with variable salt concentrations 2018 Journal Of Environmental Management 208 112-121
del Rio, A.V.; Stachurski, A.; Mendez, R.; Campos, J.L.; Surmacz-Gorska, J.; Mosquera-Corral, A. Short- and long-term orange dye effects on ammonium oxidizing and anammox bacteria activities 2017 Water Science And Technology 76 79-86
Diaz, C.; Belmonte, M.; Campos, J.L.; Franchi, O.; Faundez, M.; Vidal, G.; Argiz, L.; Pedrouso, A.; del Rio, A.V.; Mosquera-Corral, A. Limits of the anammox process in granular systems to remove nitrogen at low temperature and nitrogen concentration 2020 Process Safety And Environmental Protection 138 349-355
Fra-Vazquez, A.; Morales, N.; Figueroa, M.; del Rio, A.V.; Regueiro, L.; Campos, J.L.; Mosquera-Corral, A. Bacterial community dynamics in long-term operation of a pilot plant using aerobic granular sludge to treat pig slurry 2016 Biotechnology Progress 32 1212-1221
Franchi, O.; Alvarez, M.I.; Pavissich, J.P.; Belmonte, M.; Pedrouso, A.; del Rio, A.V.; Mosquera-Corral, A.; Campos, J.L. Operational variables and microbial community dynamics affect granulation stability in continuous flow aerobic granular sludge reactors 2024 Journal of Water Process Engineering 59 104951
Giustinianovich, E.A.; Campos, J.L.; Roeckel, M.D.; Estrada, A.J.; Mosquera-Corral, A.; del Rio, A.V. Influence of biomass acclimation on the performance of a partial nitritation-anammox reactor treating industrial saline effluents 2018 Chemosphere 194 131-138
Morales, N.; del Rio, A.V.; Vazquez-Padin, J.R.; Gutierrez, R.; Fernandez-Gonzalez, R.; Icaram, P.; Rogalla, F.; Campos, J.L.; Mendez, R.; Mosquera-Corral, A. Influence of dissolved oxygen concentration on the start-up of the anammox-based process: ELAN (R) 2015 Water Science And Technology 72 520-527
Morales, N.; del Rio, A.V.; Vazquez-Padin, J.R.; Mendez, R.; Campos, J.L.; Mosquera-Corral, A. The granular biomass properties and the acclimation period affect the partial nitritation/anammox process stability at a low temperature and ammonium concentration 2016 Process Biochemistry 51 2134-2142
Morales, N.; del Rio, A.V.; Vazquez-Padin, J.R.; Mendez, R.; Mosquera-Corral, A.; Campos, J.L. Integration of the Anammox process to the rejection water and main stream lines of WWTPs 2015 Chemosphere 140 99-105