Author |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Volume |
Pages |
Corral, N.; Anrique, N.; Fernandes, D.; Parrado, C.; Caceres, G. |
Power, placement and LEC evaluation to install CSP plants in northern Chile |
2012 |
Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews |
16 |
6678-6685 |
Hernandez, N.; Fuentes, A.; Reszka, P.; Fernandez-Pello, A.C. |
Piloted ignition delay times on optically thin PMMA cylinders |
2019 |
Proceedings Of The Combustion Institute |
37 |
3993-4000 |
Mahajan, S.M.; Asenjo, F.A. |
Parametric amplification of electromagnetic plasma waves in resonance with a dispersive background gravitational wave |
2023 |
Physical Review E |
107 |
035205 |
Mahajan, S.M.; Asenjo, F.A.; Hazeltine, R.D. |
Comparison of the electron-spin force and radiation reaction force |
2015 |
Monthly Notices Of The Royal Astronomical Society |
446 |
4112-4115 |
Navarro, H.; Marco, L.M.; Araneda, A.A.; Bennun, L. |
Spatial distribution of Si in Pinus Insigne (Pinus radiata) Wood using micro XRF by Synchrotron Radiation |
2019 |
Journal Of Wood Chemistry And Technology |
39 |
187-198 |
Parot, R.; Rivera, J.I.; Reszka, P.; Torero, J.L.; Fuentes, A. |
A simplified analytical model for radiation dominated ignition of solid fuels exposed to multiple non-steady heat fluxes |
2022 |
Combustion and Flame |
237 |
111866 |
Vera, R.; Araya, R.; Garin, C.; Ossandon, S.; Rojas, P. |
Study on the effect of atmospheric corrosion on mechanical properties with impact test: Carbon steel and Galvanized steel |
2019 |
Materials and Corrosion |
70 |
1151-1161 |
Zhang, H.L.; Baeyens, J.; Degreve, J.; Caceres, G. |
Concentrated solar power plants: Review and design methodology |
2013 |
Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews |
22 |
466-481 |