Author |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Volume  |
Pages |
Navarro, A.; Favereau, M.; Lorca, A.; Olivares, D.; Negrete-Pincetic, M. |
Medium-term stochastic hydrothermal scheduling with short-term operational effects for large-scale power and water networks |
2024 |
Applied Energy |
358 |
122554 |
Simon, F.; Girard, A.; Krotki, M.; Ordonez, J. |
Modelling and simulation of the wood biomass supply from the sustainable management of natural forests |
2021 |
Journal of Cleaner Production |
282 |
124487 |
O'Ryan, R.; Nasirov, S.; Alvarez-Espinosa, A. |
Renewable energy expansion in the Chilean power market: A dynamic general equilibrium modeling approach to determine CO2 emission baselines |
2020 |
Journal Of Cleaner Production |
247 |
11 pp |
Verastegui, F.; Lorca, A.; Olivares, D.; Negrete-Pincetic, M. |
Optimization-Based Analysis of Decarbonization Pathways and Flexibility Requirements in Highly Renewable Power Systems |
2021 |
Energy |
234 |
121242 |
Agostini, C.A.; Armijo, F.A.; Silva, C.; Nasirov, S. |
The role of frequency regulation remuneration schemes in an energy matrix with high penetration of renewable energy |
2021 |
Renewable Energy |
171 |
1097-1114 |
Villalobos, C.; Negrete-Pincetic, M.; Figueroa, N.; Lorca, A.; Olivares, D. |
The impact of short-term pricing on flexible generation investments in electricity markets |
2021 |
Energy Economics |
98 |
105213 |
Munoz, F.D.; Pumarino, B.J.; Salas, I.A. |
Aiming low and achieving it: A long-term analysis of a renewable policy in Chile |
2017 |
Energy Economics |
65 |
304-314 |
Perez, A.P.; Sauma, E.E.; Munoz, F.D.; Hobbs, B.F. |
The Economic Effects of Interregional Trading of Renewable Energy Certificates in the US WECC |
2016 |
Energy Journal |
37 |
267-295 |
Girard, A.; Muneer, T.; Caceres, G. |
A validated design simulation tool for passive solar space heating: Results from a monitored house in West Lothian, Scotland |
2014 |
Indoor And Built Environment |
23 |
353-372 |
Nasirov, S.; Agostini, C.; Silva, C.; Caceres, G. |
Renewable energy transition: a market-driven solution for the energy and environmental concerns in Chile |
2018 |
Clean Technologies And Environmental Policy |
20 |
3-12 |
Barroso, L.; Munoz, FD.; Bezerra, B.; Rudnick, H.; Cunha, G. |
Zero-Marginal-Cost Electricity Market Designs: Lessons Learned From Hydro Systems in Latin America Might Be Applicable for Decarbonization |
2021 |
IEEE Power & Energy Magazine |
19 |
64-73 |
Nasirov, S.; Agostini, C.A.; Silva, C. |
An assessment of the implementation of renewable energy sources in the light of concerns over Chilean policy objectives |
2017 |
Energy Sources Part B-Economics Planning And Policy |
12 |
715-721 |
Nasirov, S.; Cruz, E.; Agostini, C.A.; Silva, C. |
Policy Makers' Perspectives on the Expansion of Renewable Energy Sources in Chile's Electricity Auctions |
2019 |
Energies |
12 |
17 pp |