Author  |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Volume |
Pages |
Acena, A.; Anabalon, A.; Astefanesei, D.; Mann, R. |
Hairy planar black holes in higher dimensions |
2014 |
Journal Of High Energy Physics |
21 pp |
Anabalon, A. |
Exact black holes and universality in the backreaction of non-linear sigma models with a potential in (A)dS(4) |
2012 |
Journal Of High Energy Physics |
18 pp |
Anabalon, A.; Astefanesei, D.; Choque, D.; Martinez, C. |
Trace anomaly and counterterms in designer gravity |
2016 |
Journal Of High Energy Physics |
29 pp |
Anabalon, A.; Astefanesei, D.; Mann, R. |
Exact asymptotically flat charged hairy black holes with a dilaton potential |
2013 |
Journal Of High Energy Physics |
22 pp |
Anabalon, A.; Astefanesei, D.; Oliva, J. |
Hairy black hole stability in AdS, quantum mechanics on the half-line and holography |
2015 |
Journal Of High Energy Physics |
15 pp |
Anabalon, A.; Canfora, F.; Giacomini, A.; Oliva, J. |
Black holes with primary hair in gauged N=8 supergravity |
2012 |
Journal Of High Energy Physics |
12 pp |
Anabalon, A.; Deruelle, N.; Julie, F.L. |
Einstein-Katz action,variational principle, Noether charges and the thermodynamics of AdS-black holes |
2016 |
Journal Of High Energy Physics |
15 pp |
Berkovits, N.; Chandia, O. |
Simplified pure spinor b ghost in a curved heterotic superstring background |
2014 |
Journal Of High Energy Physics |
12 pp |
Canfora, F.; Gomberoff, A.; Oh, S.H.; Rojas, F.; Salgado-Rebolledo, P. |
Meronic Einstein-Yang-Mills black hole in 5D and gravitational spin from isospin effect |
2019 |
Journal Of High Energy Physics |
32 pp |
Chandia, O. |
The non-minimal heterotic pure spinor string in a curved background |
2014 |
Journal Of High Energy Physics |
16 pp |
Chandia, O.; Bevilaqua, L.I.; Vallilo, B.C. |
AdS pure spinor superstring in constant backgrounds |
2014 |
Journal Of High Energy Physics |
16 pp |
Chandia, O.; Linch, W.D.; Vallilo, B.C. |
Master symmetry in the AdS(5) x S-5 pure spinor string |
2017 |
Journal Of High Energy Physics |
15 pp |
Chandia, O.; Linch, W.D.; Vallilo, B.C. |
Compactification of the heterotic pure spinor superstring II |
2011 |
Journal Of High Energy Physics |
22 pp |
Chandia, O.; Mikhailov, A.; Vallilo, B.C. |
A construction of integrated vertex operator in the pure spinor sigma-model in AdS(5) x S-5 |
2013 |
Journal Of High Energy Physics |
2013 |
11 pp |
Chandia, O.; Vallilo, B.C. |
Non-minimal fields of the pure spinor string in general curved backgrounds |
2015 |
Journal Of High Energy Physics |
16 pp |
Chandia, O.; Vallilo, B.C. |
C Ambitwistor pure spinor string in a type II supergravity background |
2015 |
Journal Of High Energy Physics |
15 pp |
Concha, P.; Merino, N.; Miskovic, O.; Rodriguez, E.; Salgado-Rebolledo, P.; Valdivia, O. |
Asymptotic symmetries of three-dimensional Chern-Simons gravity for the Maxwell algebra |
2018 |
Journal Of High Energy Physics |
22 pp |
Donnay, L.; Giribet, G.; González, H.; Puhm, A.; Rojas, F. |
Celestial open strings at one-loop |
2023 |
Journal Of High Energy Physics |
47 |
Gonzalez, H.,A.; Rojas, F. |
The structure of IR divergences in celestial gluon amplitudes |
2021 |
Journal Of High Energy Physics |
171 |
Nastase, H.; Rojas, F.; Rubio, C. |
Celestial IR divergences in general most-subleading-color gluon and gravity amplitudes |
2022 |
Journal Of High Energy Physics |
136 |